Senin, 23 April 2012


Sure you're ready to catch a little fun, Well, it's not bad if you don't want to but if you care, I hope you don't mind catching the fun on my facebook JOKE page if you mind, it's not bad but if you don't mind I hope you're ready now. If you're not ready, it's not bad but if you're ready it is titled "God is watching you", If you've played the game before and you don't mind playing it again, you're welcome but if you mind then help me tell your enemies that they deserve a standing ovation from my third finger... Ok, for you to have read to this extent, it shows you don't mind then you can jOIN IN THE GAMe but wait, before joining the game, you'll need to like the page if you've not liked it before and if you've liked it before, I wonder why you're reading this... anyway, for your reading efforts not to be in vain, let me just assume you want me to say Good day to you, ok? But if you're still waiting for me to say that, I pity you because I've said it earlier... Anyhow, just jOIN THE GAMe and stop wasting your time

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