I'm sure that whenever you are chatting on 2go and you decide to upload a new picture you have to wait for the picture upload to be completed before you continue with your chat. This sucks sometimes as you have to wait impatiently for the slow uploading process to end. It's most annoying if you are an S40 phone user because you just have to stare at the screen for minutes. S60 (symbian phone) users are a little bit lucky as they can minimize the 2go application and do other things because of their capability to run many applications at a time. Whichever may be your case, I'm assuring you that you don't have to wait any longer. The few steps below shows you what to do to continue chatting with your friends while still uploading your picture:
start to upload a picture on 2go
while your picture is uploading just press zero0 on your keypad. A shortcut containing the following menu listed below will appear on your phone screen.
1. My profile
2. 2go rooms
3. Active chats
4. Get go credits
5. Change presence
6. Sound off
press 3 on your keypad and you would be taken back to your chat page.
Meanwhile your picture will be uploading in background.
Note that you can press any other of the specified numbers to perform another function as indicated in the menu list.
That's all, I'm sure you're now happy that hence forth you'll no longer have to wait while uploading your picture : ) and if you choose to wait, that's your own cup of water.
Share this post with your friends so that they too can benefit. Good day.
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