Do you have lots of pdf documents on your computer? Have you been trying to edit them without success? Do you want to convert those pdf documents to word documents, so that you can edit them easily? If you answered "yes" to all the questions above, then this post is for you. I'm going to explain to you, how to convert pdf documents to word (.doc) documents, moreso, in 2003 format, using an online service offered by zamzar.
Zamzar is an online documents conversion dedicated website. Their conversions are superb. I can attest to this because, with zamzar, I convert almost all my pdf documents to word files. Now I'll show you how you can do this. Let's go there!
1. Visit zamzar's official website, on your computer.
2. Using the "browse" button on the website, select the pdf file you want to convert.
3. Choose any format you want to convert your pdf file to. (in this case, you select ".doc" since you're learning to convert to word files.
4. In the space provided, input your email address and click on "convert"
5. After some minutes, check your mail box, there would be a mail from zamzar's website containing the download link to your converted document.
6. Click on the download link to download your new word file.
After the download, you should be able to see a ".doc" file i.e. Word replica of your initial pdf document. Yeah, what are you waiting for? Should I come and edit your new file for you?
Share this vital info with your friends if you like it. Use the share buttons to do that. Also, don't forget to check back for more of things like this.
Rabu, 30 Mei 2012
Jumat, 25 Mei 2012
Can you just imagine how annoying it could be to buy a modem for browsing on your computer and you are restricted to using only one network sim card on it simply because it is locked? I'm assuring you that from now on, if you have been having such annoying experience, you will be able to browse the internet on your PC with that same modem, locked or unlocked, because right away, I will teach you how to browse and access the web with the modem on your pc, but you are required to have two things namely:
1. Nokia pc suite and
2. Your modem
Once those two things are set, then you're good to go.
Ok, let's get started.
Insert your sim card into your modem, even if it is not unlocked.
Plug the modem to your PC.
An invalid SIM warning message will be displayed on your computer, just ignore it by closing the modem software.
Click on FILE > connect to the internet, then click on the spanner like i.e. Settings icon to start your configuration.
Select your modem from the list that will be given, and Enter the Operator APN i.e. Access Point settings just the way you do when you want to use nokia mobile phone connection. For example, For Airtel, input, for MTN, input, for Globacom, input glowap and for Etisalat, simply input etisalat. If you use a different network sim, simply enter the appropriate access point.
Finish your setup
Connect to the internet through the PC suite.
Yeah, you're connected, if you like, you can unplug your modem and insert another sim card, the same principle still applies.
Feel free to check back for more tips.
Don't forget to share the good news with your friends using any of the sharing tools below. Your comments too will be appreciated.
1. Nokia pc suite and
2. Your modem
Once those two things are set, then you're good to go.
Ok, let's get started.
Yeah, you're connected, if you like, you can unplug your modem and insert another sim card, the same principle still applies.
Feel free to check back for more tips.
Don't forget to share the good news with your friends using any of the sharing tools below. Your comments too will be appreciated.
Selasa, 22 Mei 2012
Do you know your computer has a gender? Yes, it can either be a male or a female. I'm sure you are in doubt of this but I'm gonna give a trick that will make you to know your computer's gender status. Ok, lets get straight at it.
Boot your computer.
Open Notepad
Paste the code below in the open notepad.
love you"
Save the file as gender.vbs
Now, open the saved file. Your competer will say "I love you" If you hear a male voice, then the gender is male, but if a female voice speaks then, as a boy, you have a female companion. Lol.
Please, if you make use of a desktop, ensure your speakers are connected and working.
As for me, my computer is female, what about you?
love you"
Please, if you make use of a desktop, ensure your speakers are connected and working.
As for me, my computer is female, what about you?
Senin, 21 Mei 2012
Hello friends, I'm back again as usual. This time, I have come to teach you how you can read an unread text message on a person's phone, be it your friend or a family member's phone without him/her knowing you read it. Take note that this trick works mainly on java enabled nokia phones, i.e. Any phone that uses just Java applications. It doesn't work on symbian phones, maybe some day, after further research, I'll come up with something that'll help do that on symbians. Without much of talking, let's hit the mail on the head.
You already know that if a new text message comes into a phone, An indication reading "1 new message" will be displayed on the phone's home screen. When this appears:
Press the red key you use in ending calls.
Select Menu then message
Click on Options, then scroll to Edit and select it. The content of the new message will be displayed for you to edit. Just read the message and exit.
If the phone asks if you want to save to drafts, select the No Option. That's all!
After you exit, you'll still see an indication of unread message(s) at the top of the phone.
Take a minute to share this trick with your friends if you like it.
You already know that if a new text message comes into a phone, An indication reading "1 new message" will be displayed on the phone's home screen. When this appears:
If the phone asks if you want to save to drafts, select the No Option. That's all!
After you exit, you'll still see an indication of unread message(s) at the top of the phone.
Take a minute to share this trick with your friends if you like it.
Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012
Before I explain how you can unlock a phone without knowing the security code, I will like to share this short experience of mine with you.
I could remember a particular time which I got a phone from one of my brothers after he got another new phone. Way back then, (before giving me the phone) he used to lock the phone with a security code. The security code gets activated automatically each time the phone keypad is locked. On a particular day I decided to lock the phone keypad before keeping it in my pocket to avoid dialing any number by mistake. As I locked the keypad, the phone displayed "keypad locked with security code" I knew I would have to give the phone to my brother to unlock for me as he doesn't like sharing his codes with anyone. When he unlocked the phone, I told him to tell me the security code in case of next time but he refused. This made me unhappy because I saw it as a stupid thing to own a phone whose security code you don't know. Infact, It's really absurd! This made me embark on a research on how to unlock a phone locked with security code without having to know the code. My research was successful, If not, I wouldn't be sharing this with you because you may find yourself in a similar situation as this. From my research, I discovered two methods of unlocking a phone without the security code, the first method works on some old models (not all) of small nokia phones. You just have to try it first and see if it'll work on the model of the nokia phone you are dealing with. The second method works on any type of nokia phone.
Now the first method.
Take the phone locked with security code
press and hold the unlock button for a while without releasing it.
the phone will display now press *
quickly press the star button and the phone will be unlocked
Second method
This method deals with the serial or imei number of the phone.
while the phone is not yet locked, dial *#06# to get the imei or serial number of the phone. Write down the 15 digit imei number somewhere
Go to
When the page loads, select, free remote master code
In the area provided for imei/serial number, insert the serial/imei number of the phone.
Click on generate.
Once done, a number will be generated, that's the master code for the phone, copy and keep the number. When ever that particular phone is locked with security code and you want to unlock it, even though you don't know the phone's security code, just enter that number, i.e. Master code and it'll be unlocked!
please note that This is for educational purpose only, do not misuse it on your friends' phone.
your comments will be highly appreciated. Bookmark this page for future reference and for more tips and tricks. Share this post with your friends if you like it
I could remember a particular time which I got a phone from one of my brothers after he got another new phone. Way back then, (before giving me the phone) he used to lock the phone with a security code. The security code gets activated automatically each time the phone keypad is locked. On a particular day I decided to lock the phone keypad before keeping it in my pocket to avoid dialing any number by mistake. As I locked the keypad, the phone displayed "keypad locked with security code" I knew I would have to give the phone to my brother to unlock for me as he doesn't like sharing his codes with anyone. When he unlocked the phone, I told him to tell me the security code in case of next time but he refused. This made me unhappy because I saw it as a stupid thing to own a phone whose security code you don't know. Infact, It's really absurd! This made me embark on a research on how to unlock a phone locked with security code without having to know the code. My research was successful, If not, I wouldn't be sharing this with you because you may find yourself in a similar situation as this. From my research, I discovered two methods of unlocking a phone without the security code, the first method works on some old models (not all) of small nokia phones. You just have to try it first and see if it'll work on the model of the nokia phone you are dealing with. The second method works on any type of nokia phone.
Now the first method.
Second method
This method deals with the serial or imei number of the phone.
Once done, a number will be generated, that's the master code for the phone, copy and keep the number. When ever that particular phone is locked with security code and you want to unlock it, even though you don't know the phone's security code, just enter that number, i.e. Master code and it'll be unlocked!
please note that This is for educational purpose only, do not misuse it on your friends' phone.
your comments will be highly appreciated. Bookmark this page for future reference and for more tips and tricks. Share this post with your friends if you like it
Jumat, 18 Mei 2012
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Salam Hormat AYOBAI, semoga Anda dalam Keadaan Sehat selalu.
Di Era pasca reformasi ini, masalah di Indonesia seakan datang silih berganti mulai bencana alam, kecelakaan dalam transportasi, rusaknya tatanan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara seperti Korupsi, diskriminasi hukum hingga lainnya (selengkapnya) bahkan ada sebuah buku yang telah berani memprediksi NKRI akan pecah pada tahun 2015.
Keberadaan internet yang saat ini berkembang pesat, seharusnya mampu memberikan kontribusi dalam perbaikan negeri ini, mengingat internet yang mampu menembus ruang dan waktu sehingga memudahkan kita saling berkomunikasi dengan saudara-saudara kita dari Sabang hingga Merauke. Namun ternyata di dunia maya ini juga tidak jauh berbeda, kecurangan seakan menjadi identitas internet. Luas tak Berbatas, Jauh tak Berujung ternyata hanya impian di Indonesia. Media Jejaring Sosial yang ada saat ini semakin mempertegas perbedaan, masyarakat semakin terkotak-kotak dalam wujud kedaerahan, kesukuan dan bahkan dalam GRUP yang lebih kecil lagi seperti marga dan lain sebagainya. Jika ini tidak menjadi perhatian kita bukan tidak mungkin prediksi bahwa NKRI akan pecah akan terjadi, dan kita mungkin tidak berani membayangkan seperti apa jadi Negara ini.
Untuk itu Kami hadir untuk mencoba memperbaiki kondisi ini melalui gerakan Ayo Bangkit Indonesia. Gerakan ini merupakan Gerakan sosial yang dilakukan melalui MEDIA INTERNET dan DUNIA NYATA. Dimana dunia internet saat ini sudah menjadi kebutuhan hidup sebagian besar kehidupan manusia. Tidak sedikit orang yang telah menggantungkan hidup dari dunia internet bahkan banyak yang menjadi sukses dengan internet. Di Indonesia, internet sudah membumi disemua kalangan dari anak kecil hingga orang tua. Terbukti sudah lebih 40 juta warga Indonesia menjadi pengguna internet. Tentunya potensi ini sangat potensial dikembangkan sebagai kekuatan dalam merubah pola prilaku kehidupan bermasyarakat berbangsa dan bernegara.
Keberadaan internet yang saat ini berkembang pesat, seharusnya mampu memberikan kontribusi dalam perbaikan negeri ini, mengingat internet yang mampu menembus ruang dan waktu sehingga memudahkan kita saling berkomunikasi dengan saudara-saudara kita dari Sabang hingga Merauke. Namun ternyata di dunia maya ini juga tidak jauh berbeda, kecurangan seakan menjadi identitas internet. Luas tak Berbatas, Jauh tak Berujung ternyata hanya sebatas impian di dunia Online Indonesia. Media Jejaring Sosial kebanyakan saat ini justeru semakin mempertegas perbedaan, masyarakat semakin terkotak-kotak dalam wujud kedaerahan, kesukuan dan bahkan dalam GRUP yang lebih kecil lagi seperti marga dan lain sebagainya. Jika ini tidak menjadi perhatian kita bukan tidak mungkin prediksi bahwa NKRI akan pecah bakal terjadi. Bahkan banyak Prediksi INDONESIA Bakal PECAH TAHUN 2015 (coba search di internet hampir 1 juta Kata tentang INDONESIA PECAH TAHUN 2015) dan KITA mungkin tidak berani membayangkan seperti apa jadinya Negara ini.
AYOBAI hadir sebagai solusi permasalahan Bangsa Indonesia melalui gerakan perbaikan bangsa online dengan kekuatan organisasi masyarakat yang dikelola secara bisnis dengan prinsip pemerintahan yang baik dengan mengabungkan Teori Organisasi, Hukum Pareto, Bisnis Online dan Stakeholder Negara. Konsep ini di Terapkan di beberapa Negara Lain, Namun Kita sebagai Bangsa Indonesia harus bergerak untuk Mencegahnya.
Daftar AYOBAI sekarang klik disini
Dengan bergabung di ayobai, maka Anda akan memperoleh yaitu:
- Website dengan gabungan Blog dan Media Jejaring sosial yang berwawasan nasional untuk menjaga keutuhan negeri ini secara Gratis.
- Penghasilan /bulan hanya dengan aktif di internet (aktif di web ).
- Anda akan hidup di Negeri dengan pemerintahan yang baik, Pengusaha yang peduli dan masyarakat yang harmonis.
Bagaimana caranya...? Cukup Mudah, hanya 2 langkah yaitu :
- Daftar secara gratis di AYOBAI dengan mengunakan data asli. Daftar klik di
- Sebarkan tautan anda ke siapa saja sepanjang masih Warga Negara Indonesia, dan ajak mereka bergabung di melalui tautan anda.
Catatan :
- Setiap kali seseorang bergabung melalui tautan anda, maka keanggotaannya menjadi saham AYOBAI bagi anda. Dengan demikian anda akan mendapatkan saham AYOBAI sesuai dengan jumlah anggota anda pada saat pembukaan resmi AYOBAI pada hari Jumat 17 Agustus 2012 jam 10.00 WIB bertepatan dengan Hari Kemerdekaan RI ke 67.
- Mohon Maaf sebelumnya jika format pendaftaran di cukup lengkap, mengingat tujuan kita yang jelas maka kita juga harus berangkat dengan jelas, dengan demikian data kita juga harus jelas untuk menghindari kecurangan.
Kita sebagai rakyat Indonesia tentu tidak ingin indonesia hancur dan mewariskan Indonesia yang rusak untuk anak cucu kita. Kita tidak mungkin hanya berpangku tangan dan berharap kepada pemerintah untuk melakukan perbaikan negeri ini. Mungkin kita bisa mencontoh Rakyat Jepang dalam menghargai produk dalam negeri. Pernah rakyat Jepang tidak mau membeli beras impor walaupun beras lokal 3X lipat lebih mahal, tidak heran jika pertaniannya maju karena petani dilindungi. Bagimana dengan kita rakyat Indonesia..? untuk itu kita harus bergandengan tangan dan siap untuk memperbaiki negeri ini mulai diri sendiri, mulai dari yang terkecil, dan mulai saat ini juga. Dan Cara yang mudah dapat dilakukan dengan bergabung sekarang di AYOBAI klik disini.
Sistem dan Cara Kerja AYOBAI
- Pendaftaran anda di website AYOBAI merupakan pendaftaran untuk kepemilikan saham AYOBAI.
- Jumlah saham yang dibagikan adalah 40% dari saham dan 10% saham akan didistribusikan ke komunitas-komunitas yang bergerak dalam menyelamatkan negeri ini sebagai bentuk CSRnya.
- Jumlah anggota yang mendaftar melalui tautan anda hingga pembukaan resmi AYOBAI pada hari Jumat 17 Agustus 2012 jam 10.00 WIB bertepatan dengan Hari Kemerdekaan RI ke 67 adalah jumlah saham AYOBAI yang anda miliki.
- Permintaan rekening anda dan kelengkapan data pribadi akan muncul setelah tanggal 2 Mei 2012.
- Asumsi penghasilan anda dengan bergabung di AYOBAI :
- Misalkan anda mempunyai teman di jejaring social sebanyak 3000 orang dengan perkiraan 50% bersedia bergabung melalui tautan anda berarti ada 1.500 orang yang bergabung dengan Anda, maka dengan asumsi laba per-saham AYOBAI pada penutupan kas akhir bulan Rp. 1.000,-, maka Anda berpotensi menerima Rp. 1.500.00,00 perbulan. Sebuah angka yang lumayan untuk penghasilan sambilan dari internet sekaligus memperbaiki negeri ini.
- Namun jangan puas dulu, angka tersebut masih dapat bertambah jika anggota yang anda rekrut tidak hanya melalui internet, karena ayobai berusaha agar website bisa dengan WNI yang belum kenal internet (tidak harus mengunakan email). Dan jika hal ini bisa anda lakukan dan misalnya ada 500 orang yang bergabung melalui tautan anda, maka berarti potensi penghasilan Anda dapat mencapai Rp. 2.000.000,- perbulan.
- Apalagi keuntungan per-saham lebih besar dari Rp. 1000,-. Katakan Rp. 2.000,-, maka penghasilan Anda mencapai Rp. 4 juta/bulan dan bagaimana jika 5.000,-(mengingat didunia internet hal itu dapat saja terjadi dalam waktu singkat dimana saat lebih dari 15 bisnis online selain iklan). Jika demikian.. silahkan anda menghitung sendiri potensi penghasilan yang akan anda raih perbulannya.
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Tentang Pemblokiran
Jika Akun Anda diblokir sementara dari mengirim permintaan pertemanan, itu karena permintaan pertemanan yang Anda kirim tidak terjawab atau ditandai sebagai kontak yang tidak diinginkan. Mulai sekarang, harap tidak mengirim permintaan pertemanan kepada orang yang tidak Anda kenal secara pribadi. Facebook adalah tempat untuk terhubung dengan teman, keluarga, teman sekelas, teman kerja, dan orang lain yang Anda kenal secara pribadi.
Jika Anda diblokir sehingga tidak dapat mengirimkan permintaan pertemanan, mungkin Anda juga mengalami pemblokiran pengiriman pesan
. kepada orang yang belum menjadi teman yang sudah dikonfirmasi.
Untuk mempelajari selengkapnya tentang kebijakan kami, baca Standar Komunitas
Jika Anda diblokir sehingga tidak dapat mengirimkan permintaan pertemanan, mungkin Anda juga mengalami pemblokiran pengiriman pesan
Untuk mempelajari selengkapnya tentang kebijakan kami, baca Standar Komunitas
Akun Anda sudah diblokir sementara untuk mengirim permintaan pertemanan dan pesan kepada orang yang tidak Anda kenal. Ini karena permintaan pertemanan yang Anda kirim tidak terjawab atau ditandai sebagai kontak yang tidak diinginkan.
Blokir ini bersifat sementara. Anda tetap dapat menggunakan fitur Facebook untuk berhubungan dengan teman yang sudah dikonfirmasi. Setelah pemblokiran selesai, harap mengirim permintaan pertemanan kepada orang yang Anda kenal secara pribadi.
Jika Anda diblokir dari pengiriman permintaan pertemanan, Anda mungkin juga diblokir dari pengiriman pertemanan
untuk sementara.
Blokir ini bersifat sementara. Anda tetap dapat menggunakan fitur Facebook untuk berhubungan dengan teman yang sudah dikonfirmasi. Setelah pemblokiran selesai, harap mengirim permintaan pertemanan kepada orang yang Anda kenal secara pribadi.
Jika Anda diblokir dari pengiriman permintaan pertemanan, Anda mungkin juga diblokir dari pengiriman pertemanan
Ya. Akun Anda hanya diblokir untuk mengirim permintaan pertemanan dan pesan kepada orang yang tidak Anda kenal. Pemblokiran ini sementara, dan Anda tetap dapat menggunakan fitur Facebook lainnya selama masa pemblokiran.
Anda sebaiknya hanya mengirim permintaan pertemanan kepada orang yang memiliki hubungan nyata dengan Anda, seperti teman, keluarga, rekan kerja, atau teman sekelas.
- Ingat bahwa orang mungkin tidak mengenali Anda di Facebook jika mereka sudah lama tidak bertemu Anda. Anda dapat membantu orang mengenali Anda dengan menggunakan foto diri Anda yang sebenarnya sebagai foto profil
Anda. Anda juag dapat menambahkan nama alternatif
, seperti nama panggilan atau nama gadis Anda, pada akun Anda.
- Jika bertemu seseorang yang Anda inginkan untuk berhubungan di Facebook, tapi Anda tidak yakin apakah orang itu akan ingat Anda, kirim pesan
terlebih dahulu untuk memperkenalkan kembali diri Anda.
- Jika Anda berminat untuk terhubung dengan orang yang tidak dikenal secara pribadi (mis: selebritas, atlet, artis), cobalah berlangganan
pada orang tersebut alih-alih mengirim permintaan pertemanan. Anda akan melihat tombol Berlangganan di samping nama orang yang mengizinkan pelanggan.
- Jika Anda mencoba menjalin pertemanan baru, cobalah menghubung melalui Halaman
dan grup
yang Anda minati, atau mendaftar untuk bermain permainan sosial
Ini mungkin karena sebagian permintaan pertemanan yang Anda kirim tidak terjawab atau ditandai sebagai kontak yang tidak diinginkan.
Jika Anda diblokir secara keliru, kami tidak dapat langsung mengakhiri pemblokiran ini—tapi, Anda dapat segera mengirim permintaan pertemanan kembali. Kami minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini! Sementara itu, Anda tetap dapat menggunakan fitur Facebook untuk berinteraksi dengan teman yang sudah dikonfirmasi.Cara Anda MenghubungIngat bahwa orang mungkin tidak mengenali Anda di Facebook jika mereka sudah lama tidak bertemu Anda (mis: tetangga lama atau teman SMA). Anda dapat membantu orang mengenali Anda dengan menggunakan foto diri Anda yang sebenarnya sebagai foto profilAnda. Anda juag dapat menambahkan nama alternatif
, seperti nama panggilan atau nama gadis Anda, pada akun Anda.
Jika Anda yakin bahwa Anda mengenal secara pribadi orang yang Anda kirimi permintaan pertemanan dan bahwa mereka ingin terhubung dengan Anda, Anda mungkin telah diblokir secara tidak sengaja.
Jika Anda diblokir secara keliru, kami tidak dapat langsung mengakhiri pemblokiran ini—tapi, Anda dapat segera mengirim permintaan pertemanan kembali. Kami minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini! Sementara itu, Anda tetap dapat menggunakan fitur Facebook untuk berinteraksi dengan teman yang sudah dikonfirmasi.Jika Anda berminat untuk menerima pembaruan dari orang yang menarik bagi Anda, tetapi tidak mengenalnya secara pribadi (mis: jurnalis, selebritas, tokoh politik), cobalan berlanggananpada orang tersebut alih-alih mengirim permintaan pertemanan.
Facebook adalah tempat untuk terhubung dengan orang yang Anda kenal secara pribadi, seperti teman, keluarga, teman sekelas, dan rekan kerja. Jika Anda menggunakan Facebook untuk memainkan permainan sosial, Anda harus mengundang teman Facebook yang ada sekarang untuk bermain dengan Anda, atau mencari permainan yang tidak mengharuskan Anda terlebih dulu mengirimkan permintaan pertemanan kepada orang yang tidak dikenal.
Jika Anda tetap mengirim permintaan pertemanan atau pesan kepada orang yang tidak Anda kenal, akun Anda akan diblokir untuk mengirimkan permintaan pertemanan.Facebook adalah tempat untuk terhubung dengan orang yang Anda kenal secara pribadi, seperti teman, keluarga, teman sekelas, dan rekan kerja. Jika Anda ingin menjalin pertemanan baru, cobalah menghubung melalui Halamandan grup
yang Anda minati, atau mendaftar untuk bermain permainan sosial
Jika Anda tetap mengirim permintaan pertemanan atau pesan kepada orang yang tidak Anda kenal, akun Anda akan diblokir untuk mengirimkan permintaan pertemanan..
Kamis, 17 Mei 2012
Have you ever experienced a situation whereby you charge your battery for a period of three good hours and discover the battery doesn't last up to an hour? Some battery can manage to last you long when it comes to offline stuffs like playing games, sending messages and so on, some don't even like seeing internet connections, once you launch your browser and connect to the internet, it starts singing battery low. It is even more frustrating when you buy a new battery and discover that it doesn't last long either even after giving it a full charge. Anyway, such, as people say, is life! You don't even mind spending 1500 naira in order to get a good working battery, but still, good batteries are difficult for you to get. I'm telling you right away that that fake battery frustrating your mobile experience shall be made original using a simple trick which I learnt from a friend of mine. Ok, let's go directly to the issue, this is how you can turn your fake battery to original
Follow these simple steps :
Get a dry gin, CHELSEA, SQUAD, etc.
rub the gin on the positive +ve and negative -ve terminals (ensure it doesn't touch the middle terminal)
place the battery in a very hot sun for 5hours.
charge your battery till it indicates "battery full"
enjoy your new original battery.
if the battery doesn't respond well, repeat the process again.
Please ensure the gin doesn't touch the middle terminal.
Share this info with your friends using the sharing tools below
Follow these simple steps :
if the battery doesn't respond well, repeat the process again.
Please ensure the gin doesn't touch the middle terminal.
Share this info with your friends using the sharing tools below
Selasa, 15 Mei 2012
There are several occasions on which you buy several antivirus software, install them on your computer and your computer, knowing too well that you have enough space on your hard disk for your computer to run fast and yet, every process still seem to be slow. Well, it may be that your antivirus software is not working. Yes! It's possible. So you may want to check if your antivirus is working or not. In case you don't know how to do this, I will show you how you can get it done within a few minutes. You can test the activeness of your antivirus using a process called EICAR test, this test works on any antivirus and it was developed by the European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research. This process which is used by individuals, companies and antivirus programmers checks if your antivirus is working without having to deal with the real computer virus. Just followw the steps below...
1. Open notepad on your computer (click on start, then select all programs, then select accessories and you'll see notepad, doubleclick on it to open)
2. Copy this code exactly the way it is X5O!P%@AP
FILE!$H+H* and paste it into the open notepad
3. Save it as
4. After saving, scan the new document "" with the antivirus
5. If the antivirus is functioning well on your computer, it should generate a warning and immediately it warns you, delete the file upon scanning, otherwise you may need to reinstall the antivirus software
NOTE Most antivirus will give a pop up warning message in the step 1 itself You can also place the file in a ZIP or
RAR file and run a scan on
so as to ensure whether
your antivirus can detect
the test string in the
compressed archive. Any
antivirus when scanning
this file will respond
as it will do for a genuine
virus/malicious code. Thiss
test will cause no damage
to your computer even
though the antivirus will
flag it as a malicious
Hence it is the safest
method to test the proper
functioning of any
1. Open notepad on your computer (click on start, then select all programs, then select accessories and you'll see notepad, doubleclick on it to open)
2. Copy this code exactly the way it is X5O!P%@AP
FILE!$H+H* and paste it into the open notepad
3. Save it as
4. After saving, scan the new document "" with the antivirus
5. If the antivirus is functioning well on your computer, it should generate a warning and immediately it warns you, delete the file upon scanning, otherwise you may need to reinstall the antivirus software
NOTE Most antivirus will give a pop up warning message in the step 1 itself You can also place the file in a ZIP or
RAR file and run a scan on
so as to ensure whether
your antivirus can detect
the test string in the
compressed archive. Any
antivirus when scanning
this file will respond
as it will do for a genuine
virus/malicious code. Thiss
test will cause no damage
to your computer even
though the antivirus will
flag it as a malicious
Hence it is the safest
method to test the proper
functioning of any
Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012
There was a particular time I shared a trick on how to hide folder in a mobile phone and I promised to share the trick on how to hide folder on computer too. I made some research and gathered information and by God's grace, I'll be sharing the trick on how you can hide a folder on your computer with you now. Thereby, fulfilling my promise. But before then, please note that the previous post on hiding folder on mobile phone works only if your phone is Java enabled, if you are a symbian phone user, well, you'll exercise a little bit of patience. One beautiful thing about this trick I'm about sharing with you is that, it doesn't require installation of any software. It's only a compilation of codes which you need to copy from here and paste into your note pad in your computer. Note that, after copying and pasting the code, you can save it with any name of your choice, but you'll need to save it as a batch file. For example, If I intend to save the folder with the name MYhiddenDOCUMENTS then, to save it as a batch file, I'll name my folder as MYhiddenDOCUMENTS.bat that's that on naming our folder. But in case you don't know how to locate the notepad on your computer, just
start up your computer
click on start
click on all programs
select accessories
then click on notepad once you're done with that, copy the code which I posted in red at the bottom of this post: and save it as any name you like .bat
After you've saved your code, you'll see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker, a new folder named Locker would be formed at the same location, now bring all the files or folder you want to hide in the Locker folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'locker' if you want to view or unlock your files, double click on the batch file and you would be prompted for password enter your desired password and enjoy access. Now anyone who can view your locked files need to know the password first.
Now the code:
if EXIST “Control Panel.
A2DD-08002B30309D}” goto
if NOT EXIST Locker goto
echo Are you sure u want to
Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p “cho=>”
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker “Control Panel.
attrib +h +s “Control Panel.
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to
Unlock folder
set/p “pass=>”
if NOT %pass%==type your
password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s “Control Panel.
ren “Control Panel.
echo Folder Unlocked
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created
goto End
Sure you're now happy to know you can hide your important folders under a password. Now no body can come to your computer and edit or access your private documents again.
Consider sharing this post if you like it. Use the sharing tools below. Feel free to ask me questions if you encounter problems.
After you've saved your code, you'll see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker, a new folder named Locker would be formed at the same location, now bring all the files or folder you want to hide in the Locker folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'locker' if you want to view or unlock your files, double click on the batch file and you would be prompted for password enter your desired password and enjoy access. Now anyone who can view your locked files need to know the password first.
Now the code:
if EXIST “Control Panel.
A2DD-08002B30309D}” goto
if NOT EXIST Locker goto
echo Are you sure u want to
Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p “cho=>”
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker “Control Panel.
attrib +h +s “Control Panel.
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to
Unlock folder
set/p “pass=>”
if NOT %pass%==type your
password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s “Control Panel.
ren “Control Panel.
echo Folder Unlocked
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created
goto End
Sure you're now happy to know you can hide your important folders under a password. Now no body can come to your computer and edit or access your private documents again.
Consider sharing this post if you like it. Use the sharing tools below. Feel free to ask me questions if you encounter problems.
Rabu, 09 Mei 2012
Almost everybody in this present age has an email address which they use for one purpose or another. You need an email for so many reasons. Without an email, you can't subscribe for newsletters, you can't recieve mails from friends, you can't join online forums, you can't open a twitter account, you can't do so many other things. But this post is not just about opening an email account, it's about how you can open a customised email account relating to your field of work, other than the common email accounts like gmail, yahoomail, rocketmail and so on... E.g. , and so on. Consider a professionally customised mail like for a blogger like me or,, and many other niche, making it look more professional. makes this possible for you! So, just register with now, and select any field of your choice and get a customised email address with your name before anyone else chooses the customised name which should be yours. Get your customised email now!!!
Share this vital information with your friends. Use the sharing tools below.
Share this vital information with your friends. Use the sharing tools below.
Senin, 07 Mei 2012
When you register for 2go, you are not given the opportunity to choose a password of your choice. After registering with your phone number, your 2go username (chosen by you) and your password (generated by 2go) are both sent to your phone number via sms. Although, you are given the privilege to change the default password to any thing that suits you, many people don't usually bother about doing that and it increases the probability of them forgetting easily. So, my advice to you is to change your password to something you can always remember in order to reduce the risk of forgetting.
If eventually you forget your password, you have the privilege of recovering it, but it attracts a fee of N30. But I am going to show you how to retrieve your password free of charge using the new forget password feature on 2go's official website. It's a faster way of getting back your forgotten password. Here is it in a few simple steps.
visit on your computer or mobile phone
on the country list select kenya as your country
Select English as your language.
click on the Get Helplink then
select the I forgot my password/PIN option.
You will be prompted to provide your mobile phone number, enter it in International format, e.g. If your phone number is 080354... Enter it as 23480354... Then click on the Proceed button.
An SMS containing your 2go username and password will be sent to your phone.
Share this with your friends using the sharing tools below if you like it
If eventually you forget your password, you have the privilege of recovering it, but it attracts a fee of N30. But I am going to show you how to retrieve your password free of charge using the new forget password feature on 2go's official website. It's a faster way of getting back your forgotten password. Here is it in a few simple steps.
You will be prompted to provide your mobile phone number, enter it in International format, e.g. If your phone number is 080354... Enter it as 23480354... Then click on the Proceed button.
An SMS containing your 2go username and password will be sent to your phone.
Share this with your friends using the sharing tools below if you like it
Minggu, 06 Mei 2012
Have you ever noticed that if you try to update a blank status on facebook while browsing on your phone and even on computer, the page just keep reloading? This hence makes it impossible for you to post a blank comment or update a blank status. Well, I'm informing you that I came across a trick with which you can do that, but before sharing this trick with you may be asking, 'what is the significance of a blank facebook comment or status?' well, it's just a way saying 'I'm speechless' or 'no comment' or probably another way of saying 'just passing by' on a friend's post or on a facebook page. Do you get it now? Ok, let me show you the trick now, to post a blank comment, just:
login to facebook
type this code @[0:0: ] in a comment box or in your status update
post or share and see the wonder!
Your friends will be surely amazed. I decided to share it here on this blog because so many people asked me to teach them how they too can do it, the first time I did it. But if you're in doubt you can see how I updated a blank facebook status Anyway, it's nothing more than that.
feel free to go through my other posts if you think you've missed any. Don't forget to use the sharing tools below to share this info with your friends. Happy today.
Your friends will be surely amazed. I decided to share it here on this blog because so many people asked me to teach them how they too can do it, the first time I did it. But if you're in doubt you can see how I updated a blank facebook status Anyway, it's nothing more than that.
feel free to go through my other posts if you think you've missed any. Don't forget to use the sharing tools below to share this info with your friends. Happy today.
Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012
I'm sure that whenever you are chatting on 2go and you decide to upload a new picture you have to wait for the picture upload to be completed before you continue with your chat. This sucks sometimes as you have to wait impatiently for the slow uploading process to end. It's most annoying if you are an S40 phone user because you just have to stare at the screen for minutes. S60 (symbian phone) users are a little bit lucky as they can minimize the 2go application and do other things because of their capability to run many applications at a time. Whichever may be your case, I'm assuring you that you don't have to wait any longer. The few steps below shows you what to do to continue chatting with your friends while still uploading your picture:
start to upload a picture on 2go
while your picture is uploading just press zero0 on your keypad. A shortcut containing the following menu listed below will appear on your phone screen.
1. My profile
2. 2go rooms
3. Active chats
4. Get go credits
5. Change presence
6. Sound off
press 3 on your keypad and you would be taken back to your chat page.
Meanwhile your picture will be uploading in background.
Note that you can press any other of the specified numbers to perform another function as indicated in the menu list.
That's all, I'm sure you're now happy that hence forth you'll no longer have to wait while uploading your picture : ) and if you choose to wait, that's your own cup of water.
Share this post with your friends so that they too can benefit. Good day.
1. My profile
2. 2go rooms
3. Active chats
4. Get go credits
5. Change presence
6. Sound off
press 3 on your keypad and you would be taken back to your chat page.
Meanwhile your picture will be uploading in background.
Note that you can press any other of the specified numbers to perform another function as indicated in the menu list.
That's all, I'm sure you're now happy that hence forth you'll no longer have to wait while uploading your picture : ) and if you choose to wait, that's your own cup of water.
Share this post with your friends so that they too can benefit. Good day.
Jumat, 04 Mei 2012
Before I teach you how to format symbian phones, there are some things I would like you to understand.
If you are a symbian phone user, and you discover that your mobile phone is acting abnormally, for example, if it takes a long time to load files, process your data, automatically restarts, and so on, it may be that the phone has got virus. And you know the impact of virus on phones, they can destroy and eat up your files when you least expect, and so, there is a need for you to format such phone or else, you may have to regret later.
The process of formating a symbian phone is not as difficult as some people think, infact, you don't have to take your phone to repairers to do that for you. All you just need to do is to:
first of all, make sure the phone is switched off
press and hold the following keys on the keypad, star (*), the number 3 and the send button i.e. call button
while still holding these buttons, switch on the phone.
Once you switch on the phone, formatting starts, don't leave the key combinations until your phone is done with the whole process. Now your phone should be functioning as good as a new one. Please note that this formatting process works on only symbian phones, I tested this on my nokia 6120c before posting. if you are using a java phone, all you need to do is to restore factory settings and if symptoms of virus or whatever problem still persists, you'll probably need to contact a phone engineer.
If you have anything to say, just post it as comment, I'll be glad to give you a reply asap, feel free to share this info with friends who you think will need and appreciate it. Good day.
If you are a symbian phone user, and you discover that your mobile phone is acting abnormally, for example, if it takes a long time to load files, process your data, automatically restarts, and so on, it may be that the phone has got virus. And you know the impact of virus on phones, they can destroy and eat up your files when you least expect, and so, there is a need for you to format such phone or else, you may have to regret later.
The process of formating a symbian phone is not as difficult as some people think, infact, you don't have to take your phone to repairers to do that for you. All you just need to do is to:
Once you switch on the phone, formatting starts, don't leave the key combinations until your phone is done with the whole process. Now your phone should be functioning as good as a new one. Please note that this formatting process works on only symbian phones, I tested this on my nokia 6120c before posting. if you are using a java phone, all you need to do is to restore factory settings and if symptoms of virus or whatever problem still persists, you'll probably need to contact a phone engineer.
If you have anything to say, just post it as comment, I'll be glad to give you a reply asap, feel free to share this info with friends who you think will need and appreciate it. Good day.
Kamis, 03 Mei 2012
Have you ever experienced a situation whereby you give your mobile phone to someone, probably, a friend, and the person mistakenly delete an important folder where you kept files that are very precious to you? If it has never happened to you before, well, it has once happened to me, a friend of mine once mistakenly deleted a folder where I kept most of my mobile software ranging from opera mini browser, lots of symbian applications to many other things. I couldn't cry that day. Hmmm! Well, it's been a while from now anyway... In order to protect some of your important files that you keep in your mobile phone, I will be sharing a trick with which you can hide folders containing important files on your phone. You can retrieve the folder with another trick to view your files whenever you need them. This trick can be used on Nokia phones, Motorola, LG and other phones which support java. So, if your phone doesn't support java applications, I'm sorry, this trick may not work on it.
Now take your pen and let me show you the trick on how to hide folders in your mobile phone!
Create a new folder, or you can use an existing folder which you want to hide
(folder containing the important files you want to hide)
rename the folder to any name of choice but put a .jad extension e.g. If you decide to hide your movies folder, you can name your movies folder as movies.jad
Now, create a new folder with the same name in the same directory but with .jar extension i.e. The second folder will have the extension movies.jar
That's all, you're through. Your original movies folder which you named as .jad gets hidden and only the folder with .jar is visible and when you open it, it is empty. All the files in the original folder are hidden!
In order to unhide the original folder, just remove the .jar extension from the visible folder and your real folder with .jad extension becomes visible.
In my future post, I'll be sharing with you how you can hide folders in your computer system. Consider sharing this post with your friends using the sharing tools below.
Now take your pen and let me show you the trick on how to hide folders in your mobile phone!
(folder containing the important files you want to hide)
In order to unhide the original folder, just remove the .jar extension from the visible folder and your real folder with .jad extension becomes visible.
In my future post, I'll be sharing with you how you can hide folders in your computer system. Consider sharing this post with your friends using the sharing tools below.
Rabu, 02 Mei 2012
Yes, I'm here again as usual, but this time with a vital information, not a trick at all, and it's very straight forward.
What I'm about to share with you now is how to send free sms, to any network from any country in the world from anywhere. For one reason or another, there is always a pressing need to communicate with one person or another, be it your friends, families, customers and so on. That's why I've decided to share this stuff with you. For you to send this free sms, you need just two things namely:
A mobile phone,
A working internet connection, and
A web browser.
I'm sure your mobile phone, internet connection and web browser are available at your reach, because if not, you wouldn't be reading this information. Anyway, let's get started.
After all the materials listed above are set, in order to send your free sms all you need to do is to
launch your internet browser
visit freesmscraze's website if you're a nigerian, here is a direct link to start sending free sms Once you get to the sms page, all you need to is to
fill the spaces provided, as explained below
FROM: here you fill your mobile number with your country code e.g. A nigerian country code is 234
DESTINATION: always remember to change to the country of the user you want to send your message to.
for example, If you're sending to a user in Nigeria, change it to (+234)
NUMBER: Here, just fill in the reciever's mobile phone number the normal way.
MESSAGE: This is where you type the jargons you want to send to your... You know the person right? Just 130 characters at a time. After filling as indicated above
click on "SEND SMS"
That's all, so, you can now send free sms to any person you wish to get across to, as many times as you want. One good thing with this sms service is that their delivery is fast. Also, the site also has other benefits. So, don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and loved ones. Also, post a comment if you have something to say and finally, don't forget to check back for more stuffs. Happy new month.
What I'm about to share with you now is how to send free sms, to any network from any country in the world from anywhere. For one reason or another, there is always a pressing need to communicate with one person or another, be it your friends, families, customers and so on. That's why I've decided to share this stuff with you. For you to send this free sms, you need just two things namely:
I'm sure your mobile phone, internet connection and web browser are available at your reach, because if not, you wouldn't be reading this information. Anyway, let's get started.
After all the materials listed above are set, in order to send your free sms all you need to do is to
FROM: here you fill your mobile number with your country code e.g. A nigerian country code is 234
DESTINATION: always remember to change to the country of the user you want to send your message to.
for example, If you're sending to a user in Nigeria, change it to (+234)
NUMBER: Here, just fill in the reciever's mobile phone number the normal way.
MESSAGE: This is where you type the jargons you want to send to your... You know the person right? Just 130 characters at a time. After filling as indicated above
That's all, so, you can now send free sms to any person you wish to get across to, as many times as you want. One good thing with this sms service is that their delivery is fast. Also, the site also has other benefits. So, don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and loved ones. Also, post a comment if you have something to say and finally, don't forget to check back for more stuffs. Happy new month.
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