Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012


Hello friends, it's been a while since I last shared my tips and tricks with you, this is due to time constraints, I promise to make up for that. Anyway, that's by the way, I'm here once again to share a very simple and fantastic trick which I'm sure you've never known before. I want to show you how to change the AM and PM time reading to anything you want on your computer. Before posting this trick, I've tested it on my computer and sure, it will work on yours too. I replaced the AM and PM readings with ayz and AYZ respectively. In order not to waste much of your precious time, I'll go straight to the point, so relax and learn how to change the AM and PM time readings of your computer to whatever you like!

Step-1:- Navigate to -> Start -> Control Pannel -> Regional and Language Option -> Click on Customize -> Go to TIME Tab -> Change AM symbol and PM symbol from AM and PM to ur name -> Apply -> Ok ...

In case you use windows 7 and you have something different on your computer,
Navigate to -> Start ->
Control Pannel -> Regional and
Language Option ->Additional settings, (on the upper tab), select time, you'll see the am and pm symbols, change them to anything you like, click on apply and then, click ok.
Did it work out? If yes, you're through and if not, go to step 2 below.

Step2:- Now go to time in taskbar and Double Click it to open "Date and time property" ...Look place where time changes in digital form i.e. 02:47:52 AM , click to arrow to change the AM or PM by selecting and pressing the arrow. It will Show your name or the name you entered in step 1 above. Select it and click on Apply -> then on OK and see what happens.

Do you like this trick? Why not share it with your friends using the sharing tools below. Be nize to them, at least I took time to compose and share this with you.

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