Profil Foto Biodata Igo Idol | Finalis Indonesian Idol 2010 - Elichon Christellgo Pentury menjadi satu dari dua grand finalis Indonesian Idol 2010. Malam nanti (31/7), ia akan bertarung dengan Citra untuk memperebutkan gelar pemenang Indonesian Idol 2010. Inilah profil dan biodata singkat, serta foto Igo Idol.
Nama: Elichon Christellgo Pentury
Panggilan: Igo
TTL: Ambon, 19 Februari 1993
Jumat, 30 Juli 2010
Spesifikasi – Harga Xbox 360 Slim | Review Console Game Terbaru 2010
Spesifikasi – Harga Xbox 360 Slim | Review Console Game Terbaru 2010 - Xbox 360 Slim yang ditunggu-tunggu penggemar konsol game, sudah masuk Indonesia. Dibanding pendahulunya, Xbox 360 Slim telah mengalami perbaikan dengan hadirnya Wi-Fi, kapasitas hardisk lebih besar, serta daya tahan terhadap panas yang diklaim lebih baik.
Di pasar Indonesia, Xbox 360 Slim dibandrol dengan harga Rp 3,4
Di pasar Indonesia, Xbox 360 Slim dibandrol dengan harga Rp 3,4
Gaji Anggota DPR dan Aksi Corat-Coret Pong Harjatmo di Gedung Kura-Kura
Gaji Anggota DPR dan Aksi Corat-Coret Pong Harjatmo di Gedung Kura-Kura | Aksi aktor kawakan Pong Harjatmo yang mencorat-coreti atap gedung DPR Jumat siang (30/7) sungguh pantas jadi bahan renungan bagi para wakil rakyat.
Aksi nekat Pong dipicu kecewaannya dengan kinerja anggota DPR. "Pemerintah dan anggota DPR tidak pernah tuntas melaksanakan tugasnya. Kasus Bank Century pun tidak selesai.
Aksi nekat Pong dipicu kecewaannya dengan kinerja anggota DPR. "Pemerintah dan anggota DPR tidak pernah tuntas melaksanakan tugasnya. Kasus Bank Century pun tidak selesai.
Video Mesum Pelajar SMA Berjudul Delta Mas Hebohkan Bekasi | No Link Download
Video Mesum Pelajar SMA Berjudul Delta Mas Hebohkan Bekasi | No Link Download - Lagi-lagi video mesum beredar di internet. Kali ini, video berisi adegan porno sepasang pelajar SMA menggegerkan Bekasi. Video berjudul Delta Mas 01 dan 02 itu diduga beredar sejak 22 Juli lalu.
Namun, kali ini kasusnya terbilang unik. Video yang terbagi dua bagian, berdurasi 3 menit 2 detik dan 2 menit 19 detik itu
Namun, kali ini kasusnya terbilang unik. Video yang terbagi dua bagian, berdurasi 3 menit 2 detik dan 2 menit 19 detik itu
Lirik Download Promise – ANJELL | OST Soundtrack He’s Beautiful
Lirik Download Promise – ANJELL | OST Soundtrack He’s Beautiful
Lirik Promise – ANJELL
I will promise you
Du nu nen no man dam go sa ra gal ke
I will promise you
Du pa run no lan go sa ra gal ke
A chi me nun to jam dun sun gan ka ji
No ha na man gu ril ke
Sa rang he I mal it ji ma
I love you forever
Do u nyo rum gi dwe jul ke I mi
Byon na re nun san I dwe jul ke
Got da ga ji chil ten ja gun
Lirik Promise – ANJELL
I will promise you
Du nu nen no man dam go sa ra gal ke
I will promise you
Du pa run no lan go sa ra gal ke
A chi me nun to jam dun sun gan ka ji
No ha na man gu ril ke
Sa rang he I mal it ji ma
I love you forever
Do u nyo rum gi dwe jul ke I mi
Byon na re nun san I dwe jul ke
Got da ga ji chil ten ja gun
Kumpulan SMS Cinta Romantis untuk Merayu Cewek
Kumpulan SMS Cinta Romantis untuk Merayu Cewek - Suka atau tidak suka, kecanggihan teknologi sekarang membuat intreraksi sosial mengalami pergeseran. Pun dalam hal cinta. Untuk mengungkapkan rasa cinta, kini bisa melalui SMS. Inilah kumpulan SMS puisi cinta yang romantis untuk merayu cewek.
Download SMS cinta
Download SMS cinta
Kamis, 29 Juli 2010
Foto Vulgar Mirip Tora Sudiro - Darius Sinatrya Beredar
Foto Vulgar Mirip Tora Sudiro - Darius Sinatrya Beredar | Foto vulgar mirip Tora Sudiro, Darius Sinatrya, dan VJ Mike beredar di internet. Kabarnya, foto tersebut awalnya tersebar lewat layanan Blackberry Messenger.
Namun kemudian disebarluaskan lewat tweetphoto, situs pengunggah foto yang berelasi dengan Twitter. Dalam foto tersebut tampak sosok mirip Tora dan Darius melakukan perbuatan yang
Namun kemudian disebarluaskan lewat tweetphoto, situs pengunggah foto yang berelasi dengan Twitter. Dalam foto tersebut tampak sosok mirip Tora dan Darius melakukan perbuatan yang
Jadwal Pertandingan Liga Italia 2010 – 2011
Jadwal Pertandingan Liga Italia 2010 – 2011 | Italian Football Federation (FIGC) atau PSSI-nya Italia, telah merilis jadwal pertandingan Liga Serie A Italia musim 2010 – 2011. Laga pertama akan dimulai 29 Agustus 2010. Sedangkan pertandingan terakhir digelar pada 22 Mei 2011.
Pada pekan pertama, tim-tim kuat berpeluang memetik kemenangan karena menghadapi lawan yang tergolong ringan. Juara
Pada pekan pertama, tim-tim kuat berpeluang memetik kemenangan karena menghadapi lawan yang tergolong ringan. Juara
Pemenang Miss Celebrity 2010 Sylvia Fully Rahesita
Pemenang Miss Celebrity 2010 Sylvia Fully Rahesita - Sylvia Fully Rahesita terpilih sebagai Miss Celebrity 2010. Cewek 21 tahun asal Bandung itu mengangu bangga bisa memenangkan ajang bergengsi yang dihelat SCTV tersebut.
Pada grand final di Hall Rama-Shinta Dunia Fantasi, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, malam tadi, Via-panggilan akrab Sylvia Fully Rahesita, juga menyabet gelar Miss Celebrity Best
Pada grand final di Hall Rama-Shinta Dunia Fantasi, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, malam tadi, Via-panggilan akrab Sylvia Fully Rahesita, juga menyabet gelar Miss Celebrity Best
Lirik Download Keong Racun – Lissa | Lagu Lip Sync Sinta and Jojo
Lirik Download Keong Racun – Lissa | Lagu Lip Sync Sinta and Jojo
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Dasar kau keong racun
Baru kenal eh ngajak tidur
Ngomong nggak sopan santun
Kau anggap aku ayam kampung
Kau rayu diriku
Kau goda diriku
Kau colek diriku
Eh ku takut sekali
tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Eh kau tak tahu malu
Tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Mulut kumat kemot
Lirik Keong Racun:
Dasar kau keong racun
Baru kenal eh ngajak tidur
Ngomong nggak sopan santun
Kau anggap aku ayam kampung
Kau rayu diriku
Kau goda diriku
Kau colek diriku
Eh ku takut sekali
tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Eh kau tak tahu malu
Tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Mulut kumat kemot
Download Kamu Memang Benar – Charly ST12 feat Regina | Lagu MP3
Download Kamu Memang Benar – Charly ST12 feat Regina | Lagu MP3
Download disini
Ini sekedar review. Jika suka dengan lagu Kamu Memang Benar – Charly ST12 feat Reggina, beli kaset atau CD-nya yang asli, dan gunakan RBT-nya.
Download disini
Ini sekedar review. Jika suka dengan lagu Kamu Memang Benar – Charly ST12 feat Reggina, beli kaset atau CD-nya yang asli, dan gunakan RBT-nya.
Sinta dan Jojo Makin Ngetop | Pasca Video Keong Racun Gemparkan Youtube
Sinta dan Jojo Makin Ngetop | Pasca Video Keong Racun Gemparkan Youtube - Siapa tak kenal Sinta dan Jojo. Pasca video lip sync-nya di Youtube meledak, nama dua cewek asal Bandung ini langsung melejit.
Tak hanya jadi pembicaraan hangat di forum dan jejaring sosial, keduanya juga mulai diburu berbagai media. Bahkan, Jojo sempat nampang sebagai cover majalah Hai edisi 29.
Kabarnya, ada salah
Tak hanya jadi pembicaraan hangat di forum dan jejaring sosial, keduanya juga mulai diburu berbagai media. Bahkan, Jojo sempat nampang sebagai cover majalah Hai edisi 29.
Kabarnya, ada salah
Rabu, 28 Juli 2010
Download RPP dan Silabus Ekonomi SMA Kelas 1 2 3
Download RPP dan Silabus Ekonomi SMA Kelas 1 2 3 - Sebenarnya, penyusunan RPP dan silabus itu sangat kondisional. Disesuaikan keadaan siswa atau sekolah masing-masing. So, ini sekedar referensi untuk menyusun RPP dan silabus. Silahkan berkreasi.
RPP Ekonomi SMA Kelas X Semester 1
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RPP Ekonomi SMA Kelas XI Semester 1
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Silabus Ekonomi SMA Kelas X Semester 1
Contoh Naskah Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang HIV/AIDS
Contoh Naskah Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang HIV/AIDS - Jangankan dengan bahasa Inggris, berpidato pakai bahasa Indonesia saja sulit. Mungkin begitu pendapat sebagian orang. Tapi, jangan menyerah begitu saja. Asal anda semangat, tak ada yang tak mungkin.
Inilah contoh naskah pidato bahasa Inggris (tentang HIV/AIDS):
Naskah pidato
I am honoured to be invited to address you today on a
Inilah contoh naskah pidato bahasa Inggris (tentang HIV/AIDS):
Naskah pidato
I am honoured to be invited to address you today on a
Hasil Arema vs Persik Skor 4-0 | Pertandingan Semifinal Piala Indonesia 2010
Hasil Arema vs Persik Skor 4-0 | Pertandingan Semifinal Piala Indonesia 2010 - Arema bakal menghadapi Sriwijaya FC di partai final Piala Indonesia 2010. Itu menyusul kemenangan dengan skor 4-0 atas Persik Kediri di pertandingan semifinal yang berakhir beberapa saat lalu.
Empat gol Arema pada laga di Gelora Delta Sidoarjo itu, semuanya tercipta di babak kedua. Masing-masing lewat Irfan Raditya
Empat gol Arema pada laga di Gelora Delta Sidoarjo itu, semuanya tercipta di babak kedua. Masing-masing lewat Irfan Raditya
Profil Foto Biodata Jung Hyong Hwa | Pemeran He’s Beautiful aka You’re Beautiful
Profil Foto Biodata Jung Hyong Hwa | Pemeran He’s Beautiful aka You’re Beautiful - Selain Jang Geun Suk, aktor tampan yang main di serial He’s Beautuful aka You’re Beautiful adalah Jung Hyong Hwa. Pengen tau profil, foto dan biodatanya?
Jung Hyong Hwa terbilang belum lama terjun ke dunia entertaint. He’s Beautuful yang dibuat tahun 2009 ini merupakan serial kedua yang dibintangi cowok
Jung Hyong Hwa terbilang belum lama terjun ke dunia entertaint. He’s Beautuful yang dibuat tahun 2009 ini merupakan serial kedua yang dibintangi cowok
Selasa, 27 Juli 2010
Lirik Download Tentang Mimpiku – Mytha Mamamia | Lagu Soundtrack Arti Sahabat
Lirik Download Tentang Mimpiku – Mytha Mamamia | Lagu Soundtrack Arti Sahabat – Bagi yang suka nonton sinetron Arti Sahabat pasti tak asing lagi dengan lagu ini. Ya, Arti Sahabat yang dibawakan Mytha Mamamia. Lirik dan link download di bawah ini.
Aku bermimpi
Tentang hari ini
Disaat kita berdua
Slalu bersama
Dan bila nanti
Kau ingat kembali
Masa-masa inilah
Yang akan kita kenang slalu
Aku bermimpi
Tentang hari ini
Disaat kita berdua
Slalu bersama
Dan bila nanti
Kau ingat kembali
Masa-masa inilah
Yang akan kita kenang slalu
Lirik Download Lagu Muhammad Nabiku - Haddad Alwi feat Vita
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Demi cinta-Mu ya Allah
Pada Muhammad nabi-Mu
Ampuni dosaku
Wujudkan harapanku
Ya Rasullallah
Siapa yang cinta pada nabinya
Pasti bahagia dalam hidupnya
Muhammadku Muhammadku dengarlah seruanku
Aku rindu aku rindu kepadamu Muhammadku
Kau yang mengaku cinta kepada nabimu
Kau yang mengaku merindukan nabimu
Jika kau
Demi cinta-Mu ya Allah
Pada Muhammad nabi-Mu
Ampuni dosaku
Wujudkan harapanku
Ya Rasullallah
Siapa yang cinta pada nabinya
Pasti bahagia dalam hidupnya
Muhammadku Muhammadku dengarlah seruanku
Aku rindu aku rindu kepadamu Muhammadku
Kau yang mengaku cinta kepada nabimu
Kau yang mengaku merindukan nabimu
Jika kau
Ediaan, Wanita Ini Bercinta dengan 1.000 Pria dalam 10 Tahun
Ediaan, Wanita Ini Bercinta dengan 1.000 Pria dalam 10 Tahun - Dunia benar-benar sudah kebolak-balik. Terobsesi dengan karakter Samantha Jones dalam serial 'Sex and The City', wanita asal Inggris Christina Saunders nekat menunaikan "misinya" untuk (maaf) bersetubuh dengan 1.000 pria dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun.
Seperti dikutip dari laman Your Tango, Christina mengaku sangat tertantang dengan
Seperti dikutip dari laman Your Tango, Christina mengaku sangat tertantang dengan
Profil Foto Biodata Jang Geun Suk He’s Beautiful
Profil Foto Biodata Jang Geun Suk He’s Beautiful - He’s Beautuful aka You’re Beautiful, drama Korea terbaru yang kini tayang di Indosiar langsung jadi idola. Salah satu pemeran yang paling ditunggu adalah Jang Geun Suk. Berikut profil singkatnya:
Jang Geun Suk adalah aktor dan penyanyi asal Korea Selatan. Cowok kelahiran 4 Agustus 1987 itu memulai debutnya di televisi melalui serial Hug tahun
Jang Geun Suk adalah aktor dan penyanyi asal Korea Selatan. Cowok kelahiran 4 Agustus 1987 itu memulai debutnya di televisi melalui serial Hug tahun
Senin, 26 Juli 2010
Profil Foto Biodata Jonas Rivanno Wattimena | Pemeran Sinetron Khanza
Profil Foto Biodata Jonas Rivanno Wattimena | Pemeran Sinetron Khanza - Jonas Rivanno Wattimena terbilang aktor pendatang baru. Berbekal wajah ganteng, perjalanan cowok berdarah Belanda, Jerman dan Ambon ini di dunia entertainment berlangsung mulus.
Sebelum terjun ke jagad hiburan, Rivanno malang melintang di dunia model. Usai meraih predikat Best Catwalk di ajang Coverboy Aneka Yess 2007,
Sebelum terjun ke jagad hiburan, Rivanno malang melintang di dunia model. Usai meraih predikat Best Catwalk di ajang Coverboy Aneka Yess 2007,
Sinopsis He’s Beautiful | Drama Korea Terbaru 2010 Review & Ringkasan Cerita
Sinopsis He’s Beautiful | Drama Korea Terbaru 2010 Review & Ringkasan Cerita - Satu lagi serial drama Korea hadir di Indosiar. Yakni, He’s Beautiful. Drama yang antara lain dibintangi Jang Geun Suk dan Par Shin Hye ini terdiri 16 episode.
He’s Beautiful menceritakan seorang vokalis band yang ke luar negeri untuk mengobati penyakitnya. Tapi, karena band tersebut sudah terkenal,
He’s Beautiful menceritakan seorang vokalis band yang ke luar negeri untuk mengobati penyakitnya. Tapi, karena band tersebut sudah terkenal,
Cara Aman Memegang ’’Payudara’’ | Pegang ’’Payudara’’ Sepuasnya Mau?
Cara Aman Memegang ’’Payudara’’ | Pegang ’’Payudara’’ Sepuasnya Mau? - Jika disentuh terasa empuk. Sekali merasakan sensasinya dijamin bikin ketagihan.
Itulah mousepad dengan karakter cewek sexy yang aduhai. Mousepad ini terasa empuk jika disentuh karena ’’payudaranya’’ berisi silikon. Harganya mulai USD 1.
Saya sendiri belum pernah nyoba. Tapi, tampaknya dengan mousepad seperti itu bisa
Itulah mousepad dengan karakter cewek sexy yang aduhai. Mousepad ini terasa empuk jika disentuh karena ’’payudaranya’’ berisi silikon. Harganya mulai USD 1.
Saya sendiri belum pernah nyoba. Tapi, tampaknya dengan mousepad seperti itu bisa
Minggu, 25 Juli 2010
Game Football Saga di Facebook | Download Game Terbaru 2010
Game Football Saga Bikin Facebook Makin Asik | Download Game Terbaru 2010 - Facebook sekarang makin lengkap. FB kini dilengkapi game sepakbola bernama Football Saga.
Football Saga ini karya anak negeri lho. Makanya, kalian bakal menjumpai beberapa tim lokal tanah air seperti Persija, Persebaya dan sebagainya.
Dari tampilannya, jelas sekali game ini terinspirasi dari game Football Manager.
Football Saga ini karya anak negeri lho. Makanya, kalian bakal menjumpai beberapa tim lokal tanah air seperti Persija, Persebaya dan sebagainya.
Dari tampilannya, jelas sekali game ini terinspirasi dari game Football Manager.
Ramalan Bintang Minggu Ini 26 Juli – 2 Agustus 2010 | Zodiak Horoskop
Ramalan Bintang Minggu Ini 26 Juli – 2 Agustus 2010 | Zodiak Horoskop
Peluang Anda tertutup rapat, cobalah untuk mencintai orang lain. Anda harus memintai pendapat dari rekan Anda atau sekadar tempat curhat. Perlu sedikit spekulasi dalam usaha, tinggal Anda yang harus memonitor semua usaha yang dijalankan. Terkadang penyakit dalam membuat kita was-was, tapi Anda harus yakin bisa
Peluang Anda tertutup rapat, cobalah untuk mencintai orang lain. Anda harus memintai pendapat dari rekan Anda atau sekadar tempat curhat. Perlu sedikit spekulasi dalam usaha, tinggal Anda yang harus memonitor semua usaha yang dijalankan. Terkadang penyakit dalam membuat kita was-was, tapi Anda harus yakin bisa
Hasil MotoGP AS 2010 | Lorenzo Juara MotoGP Amerika Serikat
Hasil MotoGP AS 2010 | Lorenzo Juara MotoGP Amerika Serikat - Jorge Lorenzo makin menjauh dari kejaran pesaingnya di klasemen. Itu seiring kemenangan pada MotoGP 2010 Amerika Serikat (AS) dinihari tadi. Menempati pole position, pembalap Yamaha itu sempat disalip Dani Pedrosa yang start di urutan empat.
Namun, saat memimpin balapan, Pedrosa terlempar dari tunggangannya ketika berusaha menikung
Namun, saat memimpin balapan, Pedrosa terlempar dari tunggangannya ketika berusaha menikung
Hasil GP Jerman 2010 Alonso Juara | Balapan Fromula 1
Hasil GP Jerman 2010 Alonso Juara | Balapan Fromula 1 - Ferrari mendominasi balapan Formula 1 Jerman 2010. Pada balapan di Sirkuit Hockenheimring Minggu malam (25/7) itu, dua pembalapnya mendududi podium teratas. Fernando Alonso juara, sedangkan Felipe Massa runner up. Sementara, Sebastian Vettel yang meraih pole position harus puas di urutan ketiga.
Sebenarnya, Massa yang melejit sejak start,
Sebenarnya, Massa yang melejit sejak start,
Census 2011
Sunday 27 March 2011 is the date Census 2011 will be conducted. It is not yet known when results will be published but it should be noted that this is the first time that census information can be completed online. Consequently results are expected to be published earlier than in previous censuses. The census which is conducted every ten years will provide "comprehensive demographic statistics for small areas and small population groups, as well as Northern Ireland as a whole. Information from the Census is used extensively across the public, private and voluntary sectors and has many important uses".
However, the reality is many people will be looking at census results for a breakdown of the two main religious blocks and to ascertain whether trends from previous censuses are continuing.
Table S306 of the 2001 census can be summarised in the following table:
It will be interesting to see the 2011 version of this table.
The evolution of trends will also be of keen interest. This graph taken from the 2001 census shows that the 'tipping point' is the age of 27 i.e. the population above the age of 27 is majority Protestant and the population below the age of 27 is majority Catholic. Will the 2011 equivalent of this table show the 'tipping point' has moved exactly ten years to the right?
This chart shows the growth in the Catholic population based on census results from 1961 to 2001 (the results are based on this table on CAIN). Will the Catholic population reach/surpass the 45% mark and will the Protestant population dip below 50% for the first time once the 2011 census results are published?
However, the reality is many people will be looking at census results for a breakdown of the two main religious blocks and to ascertain whether trends from previous censuses are continuing.
Table S306 of the 2001 census can be summarised in the following table:
Protestant | Catholic | Other | |
Population | 53.1% | 43.8% | 3.1% |
Electorate | 56.2% | 41.5% | 2.3% |
It will be interesting to see the 2011 version of this table.
The evolution of trends will also be of keen interest. This graph taken from the 2001 census shows that the 'tipping point' is the age of 27 i.e. the population above the age of 27 is majority Protestant and the population below the age of 27 is majority Catholic. Will the 2011 equivalent of this table show the 'tipping point' has moved exactly ten years to the right?
This chart shows the growth in the Catholic population based on census results from 1961 to 2001 (the results are based on this table on CAIN). Will the Catholic population reach/surpass the 45% mark and will the Protestant population dip below 50% for the first time once the 2011 census results are published?
Jumat, 23 Juli 2010
Fianna Fáil to move North?
Brian Cowen travelled to the Armagh village of Crossmaglen on Thursday to open the latest Fianna Fáil office in the North. This follows the setting up of FF forums in Fermanagh, Down and Armagh. Plans are believed to be in place to set up foums in Antrim, Derry and Tyrone in the coming months. FF already have large cummans in the Norths main universities.
All this poses one question. Will they be contesting the 2011 assembly elections? It is of course too early to say but according to one article they are.
“This is about a bottom-up approach and there is no question of us contesting elections in the immediate future,” said a senior Fianna Fáil source yesterday.
As the assembly elections are fought under the Single-Transferable-Vote system, their entry in to the North would not have the effect of vote splitting. Also it would be interesting to see where they would get votes from. Nationalist voters do not have a centre right pro business party to vote for so one would imagine they will take votes from both SF and the SDLP. In 2008 a former Ulster Unionist Councillor and businessman from south Down joined Fianna Fáil so it will be interesting to see how many votes the party can attract from Unionists IF they contest elections next March.
Download PP No 53 Tahun 2010 tentang Disiplin PNS
Download PP No 53 Tahun 2010 tentang Disiplin PNS - Anda PNS dan sering bolos? Sebaiknya hentikan kebiasaan buruk itu. Pasalnya, kini bisa terancam sanksi yang lebih kejam.
Sanksi itu diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden (PP) Nomor 53 Tahun 2010. "Baru 3 hari ini kayaknya keluar. PP ini lebih keras. Yang sering tidak masuk kantor bisa langsung dipecat tanpa peringatan," jelas Kepala Biro Kepegawaian
Sanksi itu diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden (PP) Nomor 53 Tahun 2010. "Baru 3 hari ini kayaknya keluar. PP ini lebih keras. Yang sering tidak masuk kantor bisa langsung dipecat tanpa peringatan," jelas Kepala Biro Kepegawaian
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Kamis, 22 Juli 2010
Lirik Lagu Paradise T-Max | Soundtrack BBF Boys Before Flowers
Lirik Lagu Paradise T-Max | Soundtrack BBF Boys Before Flowers
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Haneureul georeo yaksokhae yeongwonhi ojik neomaneul saranghae
Bamhaneul byeolbitgateun uri dulmanui areumdaun kkum Paradise
Neowa hamkkehandamyeon eodideun gal su isseo to the my Paradise
Neoreul irheotdeon sigangwa geuapeum modu daijeobwa
Ijebuteo sijagiya neowa hamkke
Neoui soneul japgoseo sesangeul hyanghae himkkeot sorichyeo
Haneureul georeo yaksokhae yeongwonhi ojik neomaneul saranghae
Bamhaneul byeolbitgateun uri dulmanui areumdaun kkum Paradise
Neowa hamkkehandamyeon eodideun gal su isseo to the my Paradise
Neoreul irheotdeon sigangwa geuapeum modu daijeobwa
Ijebuteo sijagiya neowa hamkke
Download Komik Bleach Chapter 412 Bahasa Indonesia Gratis | Decide 14
Download Komik Bleach Chapter 412 Bahasa Indonesia Gratis | Decide 14
Langsung saja, silahkan sedot di bawah ini.
Langsung saja, silahkan sedot di bawah ini.
Cara Membasmi Tikus Rumah dengan Efektif | Tips Bebas Tikus
Cara Membasmi Tikus Rumah yang Efektif | Tips Bebas Tikus - Belakangan, tikus di rumah saya kembali menggila. Kali ini jenisnya tikus celurut. Tubuhnya kecil dan larinya kencang seperti Valentino Rossi kalau lagi balapan .
Meski tubuhnya kecil, tikus di rumah saya terbilang ganas dan nggragas (rakus). Kalau tak menemukan makanan, barang apa saja disikat. Kapan hari beberapa toples gripis
Meski tubuhnya kecil, tikus di rumah saya terbilang ganas dan nggragas (rakus). Kalau tak menemukan makanan, barang apa saja disikat. Kapan hari beberapa toples gripis
Rabu, 21 Juli 2010
Biaya Haji atau BPIH 2010 | Embarkasi Jakarta Solo Surabaya Dll
Biaya Haji atau BPIH 2010 | Embarkasi Jakarta Solo Surabaya Dll - Kabar ini tak kalah menggembirakan dengan keluarnya SE MenPAN tentang pendataan tenaga honorer. Komisi VIII DPR dan Kementerian Agama akhirnya sepakat menetapkan biaya pelaksanaan ibadah haji (BPIH) 2010 sebesar 3.342 dollar AS. Angka itu bengalami penurunan 80 dollar AS dibanding tahun 2009, yaitu 3.422 dollar AS.
Meski turun,
Meski turun,
SE MenPAN No. 5 Tahun 2010 tentang Pendataan Tenaga Honorer
SE MenPAN No. 5 Tahun 2010 tentang Pendataan Tenaga Honorer | Ini kabar yang bisa jadi melegakan para tenaga honorer di lingkup pemkab/pemkot yang belum diangkat sebagai CPNS. Pemerintah melalui Menteri Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara mengeluarkan surat edaran (SE) No. 5 Tahun 2010 tentang pendataan tenaga honorer yang bekerja di lingkungan instansi pemerintah.
Inilah isi SE tersebut selengkapnya:
Inilah isi SE tersebut selengkapnya:
Hasil Skor Persik vs Persija | Pertandingan Piala Indonesia 21 Juli 2010
Hasil Skor Persik vs Persija | Pertandingan Piala Indonesia 21 Juli 2010 - Persik Kediri lolos ke semifinal Piala Indonesia 2010. Itu setelah di perempat final menang agregat 5-4 atas Persija Jakarta, menyusul kemenangan 2-0 di Stadion Brawijaya, Kediri, beberapa saat lalu.
Kalah 3-4 pada leg pertama di Jakarta, membuat Arema bermain ngotot untuk mengejar defisit agregat. Hasilnya, tim Macan
Kalah 3-4 pada leg pertama di Jakarta, membuat Arema bermain ngotot untuk mengejar defisit agregat. Hasilnya, tim Macan
Selasa, 20 Juli 2010
Sinopsis Film Inception | Review dan Ringkasan Cerita
Sinopsis Film Inception | Review dan Ringkasan Cerita - Film berjudul Inception kini sedang jadi perbincangan. Film yang dibintangi Leonardo DiCaprio ini juga mencatat rekor box office di Amrik dan mendapat pujian sejumlah kritikus.
Inception mengisahkan seorang CEO muda nan tampan bernama Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) yang berniat mencuri rahasia negara dengan cara yang tak biasa. Yaitu,
Inception mengisahkan seorang CEO muda nan tampan bernama Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) yang berniat mencuri rahasia negara dengan cara yang tak biasa. Yaitu,
Hasil Skor Persebaya vs Sriwijaya FC | Pertandingan 8 Besar Piala Indonesia
Hasil Skor Persebaya vs Sriwijaya FC | Pertandingan 8 Besar Piala Indonesia - Menang tapi tersingkir. Kenyataan pahit itu harus dialami Persebaya. Menjamu Sriwijaya FC di leg kedua semifinal Piala Indonesia, Bajul Ijo sebenarnya menang 1-0.
Namun, hasil itu tak cukup untuk meloloskan ke semifinal karena kalah agregat 1-2. Pada leg pertama di Palembang, Persebaya takluk 0-2.
Pada laga di
Namun, hasil itu tak cukup untuk meloloskan ke semifinal karena kalah agregat 1-2. Pada leg pertama di Palembang, Persebaya takluk 0-2.
Pada laga di
Senin, 19 Juli 2010
Foto Bugil Agnes Monica Cuma Kerjaan Orang Iseng
Foto Bugil Agnes Monica Cuma Kerjaan Orang Iseng - Foto bugil Agnes Monica dikabarkan beredar luas di internet. Namun, ketika dikonfirmasi, Crish selaku roadman memastikan kalau itu bukan foto Agnes. Melainkan, Foto yang beredar tersebut hanya kerjaan orang iseng.
"Nggak mungkin itu Agnes, tanda lahirnya saja beda," ujar Crish tanpa menyebutkan tanda lahir yang sebenarnya, saat ditemui di
"Nggak mungkin itu Agnes, tanda lahirnya saja beda," ujar Crish tanpa menyebutkan tanda lahir yang sebenarnya, saat ditemui di
Profil – Foto Raline Rahmat Shah yang Cantik dan Seksi
Profil – Foto Raline Rahmat Shah yang Cantik dan Seksi - Dunia seleb Indonesia tak pernah sepi melahirkan bintang-bintang baru. Yang banyak diperbincangkan saat ini adalah Raline Rahmad Shah. Dia bahkan disebut-sebut ‘The Next Luna Maya’. Maksudnya, dari segi kecantikan dan popularitasnya.
Nama Raline Shah mulai dikenal sejak terpilih menjadi Puteri Indonesia Favorit 2008. Sebelumnya, dia
Nama Raline Shah mulai dikenal sejak terpilih menjadi Puteri Indonesia Favorit 2008. Sebelumnya, dia
Cara Nonton TV Gratis via Internet di Mozilla Firefox dengan Add On TV-FOX
Cara Nonton TV Gratis via Internet di Mozilla Firefox dengan Add On TV-FOX | Pengen nonton tv channel luar negeri lewat internet gratis? Dengan add on TV-Fox, kita bisa melihat tayangan televisi manca via browser Mozilla Firefox tanpa harus bayar. Berikut cara instalnya:
1. Install add on TV-Fox disini
2. Download WMP plugin disini, lalu install
3. Di tool bar akan muncul ikon TV (jika tak
1. Install add on TV-Fox disini
2. Download WMP plugin disini, lalu install
3. Di tool bar akan muncul ikon TV (jika tak
Jadwal Imsak Ramadhan 1431 H untuk Jakarta Yogyakarta Surabaya | Imaskiyah Puasa 2010
Jadwal Imsak Ramadhan 1431 H untuk Jakarta Yogyakarta Surabaya | Imaskiyah Puasa 2010 - Waktu berjalan begitu cepat. Tak terasa, beberapa pekan lagi memasuki bulan Ramadhan. Inilah jadwal imsak puasa Ramadhan 1431 H. Tapi, sementara saya hanya bisa menyajikan jadwal untuk Jakarta, Yogyakarta, dan Surabaya.
Jadwal imsak Jakarta klik disini
Jadwal imsak Yogyakarta klik disini
Jadwal imsak
Jadwal imsak Jakarta klik disini
Jadwal imsak Yogyakarta klik disini
Jadwal imsak
Minggu, 18 Juli 2010
Cara Menambahkan Tombol Reply di Komentar Blogspot | Add Reply Button
Cara Menambahkan Tombol Reply di Komentar Blogspot | Add Reply Button – Cukup banyak hack comment Blogspot. Mulai dari mengganti ukuran kotak form komentar, sampai membuat numbering comment.
Kali ini saya mau share cara menambahkan tombol reply (balasan) di komentar. Bagi blog berbasis Blogspot, tombol ini fungsinya lebih pada unsure kepraktisan.
Dengan tombol reply, admin atau pemilik blog
Kali ini saya mau share cara menambahkan tombol reply (balasan) di komentar. Bagi blog berbasis Blogspot, tombol ini fungsinya lebih pada unsure kepraktisan.
Dengan tombol reply, admin atau pemilik blog
Hasil Skor Arema vs Persib | 18 Juli 2010 Pertandingan 8 Besar Piala Indonesia
Hasil Skor Arema vs Persib | 18 Juli 2010 Pertandingan 8 Besar Piala Indonesia - Arema Indonesia menekuk tamunya Persib Bandung di leg pertama 8 besar Piala Indonesia 2010, beberapa saat lalu. Kiper Kurnia Mega menjadi pahlawan Singo Edan dengan menggagalkan dua kali penalti Christian Gonzales.
Pada laga di Stadion Kanjuruhan itu, Arema tampil menyerang sejak kick. Menit 12, tembakan M Ridhuan
Pada laga di Stadion Kanjuruhan itu, Arema tampil menyerang sejak kick. Menit 12, tembakan M Ridhuan
Jumat, 16 Juli 2010
Video UFO di Kemang Jakarta | Asli atau Hoax?
Video UFO di Kemang Jakarta | Asli atau Hoax? Video tentang UFO di Kemang Jakarta kini jaid perbincangan hangat di forum-forum. Namun, kebanyakan menganggap tayangan dalam video berjudul ’UFO or Batleship above Kemang Jakarta’ yang diunggah di Youtube itu hoax.
Video berdurasi singkat itu diawali suasana arus lalu lintas di sekitar Kemang pada malam hari. Kemudian, di langit terlihat beberapa ’
Video berdurasi singkat itu diawali suasana arus lalu lintas di sekitar Kemang pada malam hari. Kemudian, di langit terlihat beberapa ’
Hasil Skor Sriwijaya FC vs Persebaya | 16 Juli Pertandingan Piala Indonesia
Hasil Skor Sriwijaya FC vs Persebaya | 16 Juli Pertandingan Piala Indonesia - Modal berharga didapat Sriwijaya FC di babak 8 besar Piala Indonesia. Pada laga leg pertama yang berakhir beberapa saat lalu, pasukan Rahmad Darmawan menang 2-0 atas Persebaya Surabaya.
Gol Stiwijaya dicetak Keith Kayamba Gumbs pada menit 15. Pavel Solomin menggenapi keunggulan Sriwijaya menjadi 2-0 lewat golnya di
Gol Stiwijaya dicetak Keith Kayamba Gumbs pada menit 15. Pavel Solomin menggenapi keunggulan Sriwijaya menjadi 2-0 lewat golnya di
Kamis, 15 Juli 2010
Video Porno Mirip Dirinya Beredar, Manohara Terganggu | No Link Download
Video Porno Mirip Dirinya Beredar, Manohara Terganggu | No Link Download - Lagi-lagi artis dikaitkan dengan isu video porno. Kali ini, sebuah video porno dengan bintang mirip Manohara tersebar di internet. Karena yakin bukan pemerannya, Mano pun merasa terganggu.
"Terganggu sih. Jadi repot sendiri karena banyak yang nanya. Tapi Mano ingat ini setahun yang lalu keluar dan Mano pernah
"Terganggu sih. Jadi repot sendiri karena banyak yang nanya. Tapi Mano ingat ini setahun yang lalu keluar dan Mano pernah
Pengumuman Hasil SNMPTN 2010 | 17 Juli di Situs Resmi SNMPTN
Pengumuman Hasil SNMPTN 2010 | 17 Juli di Situs Resmi SNMPTN - Peserta SNMPTN 2010 pasti lagi harap-harap cemas. Maklum, sebentar lagi hasilnya akan diumumkan. Informasinya, pengumuman SNMPTN 2010 bisa diketahui 17 Juli 2010 besok, mulai pukul 00.00 WIB.
Di mana bisa melihat pengumumannya? Kalau ingin afdol ya di PTN tempat kalian mendaftar. Tapi, kalau mau praktisnya lihat saja di situs resmi
Di mana bisa melihat pengumumannya? Kalau ingin afdol ya di PTN tempat kalian mendaftar. Tapi, kalau mau praktisnya lihat saja di situs resmi
Rabu, 14 Juli 2010
Video Mesum Porno ’ Fatma Trans TV ’ Beredar di Internet | No Link Download
Video Mesum Porno ’ Fatma Trans TV ’ Beredar di Internet | No Link Download - Dunia maya kembali dihebohkan dengan peredaran video porno. Kali ini, video mesum dengan nama file ’Fatma TransTV’ beredar di internet. Pihak TransTV yang merasa dirugikan melapor ke Mabes Polri.
"Kami melaporkan video porno yang nama filenya Fatma TransTV," kata Kepala Humas Pemasaran TransTV A Hadiansyah Lubis.
"Kami melaporkan video porno yang nama filenya Fatma TransTV," kata Kepala Humas Pemasaran TransTV A Hadiansyah Lubis.
Cara Melihat Statistik Blog via Blogger Draft
Cara Melihat Statistik Blog via Blogger Draft - Selama ini, untuk melihat statistik blog, orang lebih sering menggunakan Google Analitycs atau via statistic widget seperti Histats dan sebagainya. Nah, bagi pengguna Blogger, kini ada cara yang lebih praktis.
Kini, Blogger in Draft telah menyediakan menu ‘Statistik’. Ada tiga jenis statistik yang ditampilkan di situ. Yaitu postingan yang paling
Kini, Blogger in Draft telah menyediakan menu ‘Statistik’. Ada tiga jenis statistik yang ditampilkan di situ. Yaitu postingan yang paling
Catholic/Nationalist and Protestant/Unionist
Some people do not take kindly to others describing Catholics as Nationalists, and Nationalists as Catholics interchangeably. Similarly, the same can be said with those who refer to 'Protestants' to describe the Unionist community. They argue that just because one is a Catholic, does not make them an automatic Nationalist and similarly, a Protestant is not necessarily a Unionist.
It is interesting to compare the the Nationalist electorate to the Catholic electorate. The Catholic electorate is relatively easy to calculate. Looking at table S306 of the 2001 census, by adding the totals of people aged 9 years and over in 2001 (they are 18 in 2010) and removing the few people who were 90 and over in 2001 we see that the Catholic electorate is 43.0%. The election in 2010 showed that Nationalist parties received 42.0%. This is an almost exact correlation.
Using the same approach, the Protestant electorate in 2010 per the 2001 census was 54.4%. The 2010 election shows Unionist parties received 50.5% of the vote. Although not quite as correlated as the Nationalist/Catholic electorate, the Protestant/Unionist correlation is strikingly similar.
It may be 'politically incorrect' to refer to Nationalists and Catholics and Protestants and Unionists interchangeably, however it may not be entirely 'factually incorrect'.
It is interesting to compare the the Nationalist electorate to the Catholic electorate. The Catholic electorate is relatively easy to calculate. Looking at table S306 of the 2001 census, by adding the totals of people aged 9 years and over in 2001 (they are 18 in 2010) and removing the few people who were 90 and over in 2001 we see that the Catholic electorate is 43.0%. The election in 2010 showed that Nationalist parties received 42.0%. This is an almost exact correlation.
Using the same approach, the Protestant electorate in 2010 per the 2001 census was 54.4%. The 2010 election shows Unionist parties received 50.5% of the vote. Although not quite as correlated as the Nationalist/Catholic electorate, the Protestant/Unionist correlation is strikingly similar.
It may be 'politically incorrect' to refer to Nationalists and Catholics and Protestants and Unionists interchangeably, however it may not be entirely 'factually incorrect'.
Mesin Pencari Alternatif | Alternative Search Engine
Mesin Pencari Alternatif | Alternative Search Engine - Bicara soal search engine, selama ini kerap diidentikkan dengan Google, Yahoo dan sebagainya. Padahal, banyak mesin pencari alternatif yang lebih efektif untuk mencari sesuatu yang lebih spesifik. Di antaranya:
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Ebook Search Engine
Pdf Searcher
Mencari dokumen format pdf.
Social media berisi jutaan tulisan dan dokumen.
Ebook Search Engine
Selasa, 13 Juli 2010
Spesifikasi – Harga Acer Aspire One D260 | Notebook Netbook Laptop Terbaru
Spesifikasi – Harga Acer Aspire One D260 | Notebook Netbook Laptop Terbaru – Acer terus berinovasi. Kali ini meluncurkan netbook seri D260 dengan tampilan yang terkesan fresh.
Ada tiga jenis Acer Aspire One D260 yang dilempar ke pasaran. Berikut masing-masing spesifikasi dan harganya:
1. Acer Aspire One D260 with Windows 7 Starter
- Processor Intel Atom N455 (166 GHz, 667 MHz FSB, 512 KB L2
Ada tiga jenis Acer Aspire One D260 yang dilempar ke pasaran. Berikut masing-masing spesifikasi dan harganya:
1. Acer Aspire One D260 with Windows 7 Starter
- Processor Intel Atom N455 (166 GHz, 667 MHz FSB, 512 KB L2
Jadwal Pertandingan Liga Inggris 2010 – 2011
Jadwal Pertandingan Liga Inggris 2010 – 2011 | Piala Dunia 2010 telah usai. Namun, bukan berarti tak ada lagi suguhan sepakbola berkualitas. Sejumlah liga elit Eropa tak lama lagi menggelar kompetisi musim 2010/2010.
Untuk Liga Inggris dimulai 14 Agustus mendatang dan laga terakhir pada 22 Mei 2011. Inilah jadwal selengkapnya:
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Tottenham v Man City, 12:45
Untuk Liga Inggris dimulai 14 Agustus mendatang dan laga terakhir pada 22 Mei 2011. Inilah jadwal selengkapnya:
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Tottenham v Man City, 12:45
Senin, 12 Juli 2010
Enno Lerian Tampil Seksi dengan Bikini di Film Selimut Berdarah | Foto Enno
Enno Lerian Tampil Seksi dengan Bikini di Film Selimut Berdarah | Foto Enno - Enno Lerian memulai debutnya di film layar lebar dengan menyuguhkan sisi lain dirinya. Mantan penyanyi cilik yang kini berusia 26 tahun itu berani beraksi hanya dengan balutan bikini.
Di salah satu adegan film berjudul Selimut Berdarah, Enno tampil dengan bikini dengan setting pantai. Enno mengaku penampilan seksinya
Di salah satu adegan film berjudul Selimut Berdarah, Enno tampil dengan bikini dengan setting pantai. Enno mengaku penampilan seksinya
Download Silabus dan RPP Matematika KTSP Kelas VIII SMP dan MTs
Download Silabus dan RPP Matematika KTSP Kelas VIII SMP dan MTs - Jadi guru jaman sekarang harus rajin browsing internet rupanya. Soalnya, banyak materi yang bisa diperoleh di dunia luna maya. Termasuk silabus dan RPP buat bahan mengajar siswa di kelas. Ini dia silabus dan RPP matematika untuk kelas VIII SMP dan MTs.
Download silabus dan RPP matematika disini
Download silabus dan RPP matematika disini
Leinster final
Yesterday we witnessed an absolute belter of a Leinster football final. It looked like Louth were going to win their first Leinster title in 53 years, until a last gasp Joe Sheridan goal snatched victory for Meath. TV replays clearly showed should have been disallowed. How neither the referee nor the 2 umpires behind the goal did not see that the ball was carried over the line American football style touchdown is beyond me. The bookmakers are offering odds of 15/8 that there will be a replay. However with the faith I have in the GAA hierarchy and the CCCC (whatever that means) I think i'll save my money to back Brazil winning the next World Cup at 4/1.
12th of July
Here, on the glorious 12th of July we see the supporters of the "Orangefest" sing "The Famine Song". The words "Why don't you go home" must seem very ironic to the indigenous community!
I am sure the people they are telling to go home will have no problem with these marches as long as marchers and their drunken, loutish followers don't march where they are clearly not wanted.
Then again, maybe if they look at these kind of photos maybe they will!
KAT = Kill All Taigs (Catholics)
FAP = F*ck All Papists
So what exactly is the 12th? Unrest begins on the night before as loyalists prepare for their July 12 commerations by burning Irish tricolours on huge bonfires. The day itself sees hundreds of parades across the north. Most are not contentious. However marches through Nationalist neighbourhoods usually are. Why? Ask yourself what the reaction would be if the Klu Kluk Klan were to march through Harlem!
Minggu, 11 Juli 2010
Foto Eksklusif Valentino Rossi yang Belum Pernah Terpublikasi | Gambar Lucu
Foto Eksklusif Valentino Rossi yang Belum Pernah Terpublikasi | Gambar Lucu - Siapa tak kenal Valentino Rossi. Tapi tahukah anda kalau kehidupan pembalap MotoGP asal Italia itu ternyata tak selamanya gemerlap.
Jika sedang tak ada balapan, dia nyambi jadi tukang ojek sepeda.
Dia juga pernah terjebak banjir hingga motornya ngadat.
Ban kempes dan harus menuntun motor ke tukang tambal ban
Jika sedang tak ada balapan, dia nyambi jadi tukang ojek sepeda.
Dia juga pernah terjebak banjir hingga motornya ngadat.
Ban kempes dan harus menuntun motor ke tukang tambal ban
Hasil Skor Pertandingan Belanda vs Spanyol di Final Piala Dunia 2010 | Spanyol Juara
Hasil Skor Pertandingan Belanda vs Spanyol di Final Piala Dunia 2010 | Spanyol Juara – Trofi Piala Dunia 2010 menjadi milik Spanyol. Itu setelah di laga final dinihari tadi, La Furia Roja mengalahkan Belanda. Andres Iniesta menjadi pahlawan dengan mencetak satu-satunya gol di pertandingan tersebut.
Laga di Soccer City, Johannesburg, itu berlangsung keras hingga wasit Howard Webb dari Inggris
Laga di Soccer City, Johannesburg, itu berlangsung keras hingga wasit Howard Webb dari Inggris
Hasil GP Inggris 2010 – Webber Juara
Hasil GP Inggris 2010 – Webber Juara | Mark Webber tampil gemilang pada GP Inggris yang berakhir beberapa saat lalu. Sejak start, pembalap Red Bull itu melesat dan tak terkejar hingga finish.
Lewis Hamilton dari McLaren Mercedes menjadi runner up dengan selisih waktu 1,3 detik di belakang Webber. Sedangkan urutan ketiga ditempati Nico Rosberg dari Mercedes GP.
Sial menimpa Sebastian Vettel
Lewis Hamilton dari McLaren Mercedes menjadi runner up dengan selisih waktu 1,3 detik di belakang Webber. Sedangkan urutan ketiga ditempati Nico Rosberg dari Mercedes GP.
Sial menimpa Sebastian Vettel
Sinopsis Film Predators | Ringkasan Cerita Predator , Terbaru 2010
Sinopsis Film Predators | Ringkasan Cerita Predator , Terbaru 2010 - Masih ingat dengan film Predator yang dibintangi Arnold Schwarzenegger? Kini dilm tersebut hadir kembali dengan aksi yang lebih menegangkan.
Satu persatu mereka berjatuhan dari langit dengan menggunakan parasutnya lalu terjerembab dalam sebuah hutan belantara. Tujuh orang tersebut mengalami hal yang sama, tidak ada yang tahu
Satu persatu mereka berjatuhan dari langit dengan menggunakan parasutnya lalu terjerembab dalam sebuah hutan belantara. Tujuh orang tersebut mengalami hal yang sama, tidak ada yang tahu
Spesifikasi – Harga HP Nokia X5 | Ponsel Nokia Terbaru 2010
Spesifikasi – Harga HP Nokia X5 | Ponsel Nokia Terbaru 2010 - Menyusul sukses C3, Nokia meluncurkan seri terbaru X5. Handphone jenis QWERTY ini diklaim tak Cuma handal soal musik, tapi juga dalam hal messaging. Inilah spesifikasi dan harganya.
Tampilan dan antarmuka:
• Ukuran: 2.36"
• Resolusi: 320 x 240 piksel QVGA
• Hingga 262.000 warna, warna 18-bit
• Lanskap
• Lampu senter
Tampilan dan antarmuka:
• Ukuran: 2.36"
• Resolusi: 320 x 240 piksel QVGA
• Hingga 262.000 warna, warna 18-bit
• Lanskap
• Lampu senter
Pernikahan Ririn Dwi Ariyanti - Aldi Bragi | Ririn - Aldi Menikah
Pernikahan Ririn Dwi Ariyanti - Aldi Bragi | Ririn - Aldi Menikah | Pasangan Aldi Bragi dan Ririn Dwi Ariyanti resmi menjadi suami istri. Ijab kabul dilangsungkan pagi tadi di Hotel Crown Plaza, Jaksel.
Mantan Menteri Perhubungan Agum Gumelar menjadi saksi untuk Ririn. Saat akad nikah berlangsung, sesuai dengan adat Jawa, Ririn tidak ada di samping Aldi. Aktris berambut panjang itu ada di
Mantan Menteri Perhubungan Agum Gumelar menjadi saksi untuk Ririn. Saat akad nikah berlangsung, sesuai dengan adat Jawa, Ririn tidak ada di samping Aldi. Aktris berambut panjang itu ada di
Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010
Prediksi Belanda vs Spanyol | Hasil Skor Pertandingan Final Piala Dunia 2010
Prediksi Belanda vs Spanyol | Hasil Skor Pertandingan Final Piala Dunia 2010 - Senin (12/7) dinihari nanti, Belanda dan Spanyol akan bentrok memperebutkan trofi Piala Dunia 2010. Siapa pemenang duel di partai puncak ini cukup sulit diprediksi, mengingat kekuatan kedua tim relatif berimbang.
Di Piala Dunia 2010, Belanda merupakan satu-satunya tim yang selalu mencatat kemenangan. Mereka belum
Di Piala Dunia 2010, Belanda merupakan satu-satunya tim yang selalu mencatat kemenangan. Mereka belum
Hasil Skor Jerman vs Uruguay | Pertandingan Perebutan Peringkat 3 Piala Dunia 2010
Hasil Skor Jerman vs Uruguay | Pertandingan Perebutan Peringkat 3 Piala Dunia 2010 - Jerman akhirnya menempati peringkat ketiga Piala Dunia 2010. Menghadapi Uruguay di Port Elizabeth dalam laga yang berlangsung seru dan menarik dinihari tadi, Tim Panser menang 3-2.
Jerman kali ini tampil tanpa Miroslav Klose, Philipp Lahm, Lukas Podolski, dan kiper Manuel Neuer. Namun, itu tak membuat mereka
Jerman kali ini tampil tanpa Miroslav Klose, Philipp Lahm, Lukas Podolski, dan kiper Manuel Neuer. Namun, itu tak membuat mereka
Beware the ides of March
It was originally planned to hold a referendum on changing the Westminster voting system on the same day as the Assembly and Local elections. It has been confirmed that the referendum will be held on May 5.
However according to the BBC NI politicians and electoral authorities "favour holding the scheduled elections to the 26 councils on an earlier date, probably the first Thursday in March."
The first Thursday of March 2011 is of course the March 3rd which is less than eight months from now. Expect the election campaign to kick off in the Autumn.
However according to the BBC NI politicians and electoral authorities "favour holding the scheduled elections to the 26 councils on an earlier date, probably the first Thursday in March."
The first Thursday of March 2011 is of course the March 3rd which is less than eight months from now. Expect the election campaign to kick off in the Autumn.
FAI vs. IFA - European Court of Arbitration for Sport
On Monday 19 July the Irish Football Association will take the Football Association of Ireland to the European Court of Arbitration for Sport in a final and desperate attempt to deny Irish citizens from the North the opportunity to represent their country.
Unionists argue that if a player born in Northern Ireland has no links with the Republic of Ireland (parent/grandparent born there) should not be allowed to play with this "foreign country". They already have a small player pool and with half of their professional footballers declaring for the ROI team, this will have a detrimental affect on their team.
Nationalists argue that the GFA allows them an automatic right to Irish citizenship and therefore they should not be prevented from playing for their country in which they hold citizenship or at the very least they should be entitled to the choice.
Darron Gibson, Marc Wilson and Shane Duffy are examples of high profile footballers who have made the switch from playing underage football with NI to declare for the Ireland senior squad. The Ireland underage squads also have numerous northern based players in their squads.
The problem for these players, other than not wanting to play for a country that does not represent them is that the IFA is a British football association which is supported almost exclusively by Unionists. The anthem is God Save the Queen, the flag is the unionist unofficial flag of Northern Ireland, complete with crown. The stadium Windsor Park is located in a staunchly loyalist area of Belfast and union jacks can be seen on match days. Add to this the sectarian abuse that catholic players have received in the past including death threats to former Celtic F.C captain and current manager Neil Lennon and it is not difficult to see why more and more northern players are declaring for Ireland.
Many of the teams supporters argue that things have changed and that sectarian abuse of catholics is a thing of the past. This is open to debate. While the IFA must be commended for their 'Football for All' initiative to rid itself of sectarianism, it was only last year that NI played Poland in Windsor Park. It is well documented the abuse that Artur Boruc received as were the riots that ensued with the Polish supporters. Now it is no secret that Polish fans have a hooligan element. However the fact that Boruc was the Celtic goalkeeper at the time and the fact that Polish fans are predominantly Catholic, does call in to question if sectarianism was not an element in the trouble that day.
This will be the IFAs thrid attempt to block nationalist players playing for their country. Twice they have gone to FIFA and twice they have been told where to go. On Monday week I expect the CAS to send the IFA home with their tail between their legs. They will not ignore FIFAs two previous rulings nor will they defy or violate an internationally binding agreement between two sovereign nations. This blog will return to this issue after the ruling.
Unionists argue that if a player born in Northern Ireland has no links with the Republic of Ireland (parent/grandparent born there) should not be allowed to play with this "foreign country". They already have a small player pool and with half of their professional footballers declaring for the ROI team, this will have a detrimental affect on their team.
Nationalists argue that the GFA allows them an automatic right to Irish citizenship and therefore they should not be prevented from playing for their country in which they hold citizenship or at the very least they should be entitled to the choice.
Darron Gibson, Marc Wilson and Shane Duffy are examples of high profile footballers who have made the switch from playing underage football with NI to declare for the Ireland senior squad. The Ireland underage squads also have numerous northern based players in their squads.
The problem for these players, other than not wanting to play for a country that does not represent them is that the IFA is a British football association which is supported almost exclusively by Unionists. The anthem is God Save the Queen, the flag is the unionist unofficial flag of Northern Ireland, complete with crown. The stadium Windsor Park is located in a staunchly loyalist area of Belfast and union jacks can be seen on match days. Add to this the sectarian abuse that catholic players have received in the past including death threats to former Celtic F.C captain and current manager Neil Lennon and it is not difficult to see why more and more northern players are declaring for Ireland.
Many of the teams supporters argue that things have changed and that sectarian abuse of catholics is a thing of the past. This is open to debate. While the IFA must be commended for their 'Football for All' initiative to rid itself of sectarianism, it was only last year that NI played Poland in Windsor Park. It is well documented the abuse that Artur Boruc received as were the riots that ensued with the Polish supporters. Now it is no secret that Polish fans have a hooligan element. However the fact that Boruc was the Celtic goalkeeper at the time and the fact that Polish fans are predominantly Catholic, does call in to question if sectarianism was not an element in the trouble that day.
This will be the IFAs thrid attempt to block nationalist players playing for their country. Twice they have gone to FIFA and twice they have been told where to go. On Monday week I expect the CAS to send the IFA home with their tail between their legs. They will not ignore FIFAs two previous rulings nor will they defy or violate an internationally binding agreement between two sovereign nations. This blog will return to this issue after the ruling.
Jumat, 09 Juli 2010
Prediksi Jerman vs Uruguay | Hasil Skor Pertandingan
Prediksi Jerman vs Uruguay | Hasil Skor Pertandingan - Jerman dan Uruguay akan memperebutkan tempat ketiga ajang Piala Dunia 2010, Minggu dinihari besok. Memang laga ini kalah bergengsi dengan perebutan juara antara Sanyol vs Belanda. Tapi, tetap saja menarik disimak.
Rekor pertemuan Jerman dan Uruguay di semua ajang sejak 1962, Jerman sangat superior. Tim Panser enam kali menang. Sedangkan
Rekor pertemuan Jerman dan Uruguay di semua ajang sejak 1962, Jerman sangat superior. Tim Panser enam kali menang. Sedangkan
Political support
The CAIN website produces an interesting table of political support for the three blocks (nationalist, unionist and other). I have reproduced this table in graph form.

The trend is clear. It is one of unionist decline and subsequent nationalist improvement. In 1986 the westminster by-elections were as a result of the resignation of all unionist MPs in December 1985 in protest to the Anglo Irish Agreement. As nationalists did not resign their seats there was no by-elections for these seats. Nationalists did stand in the marginal constituencies held by unionists, hence the 18.6% of the vote. There is also a drop in the unionist vote in the 1977 local government election and a less pronounced drop in the nationalist vote. These are offset by an equal but opposite increase in the 'other' vote so it is safe to assume that the other candidate took votes from unionists and to a lesser extent nationalists. Other than those two elections the unionist and nationalist lines are fairly smooth considering it will never be entirely smooth due to variances in turnout.
Im sure unionists will argue that the trend has leveled off at the turn of the century. However when one considers that nationalist turnout has decreased in every election since 2001, and by 2010 it had decreased 15.6% since the 2001 westminster election, yet the nationalist vote has held firm (abeit the unionist turnout also declined by 8.7%) it is obvious that the surge in nationalist numbers continues and will do until it overtakes unionism in the not too distant future.
The trend is clear. It is one of unionist decline and subsequent nationalist improvement. In 1986 the westminster by-elections were as a result of the resignation of all unionist MPs in December 1985 in protest to the Anglo Irish Agreement. As nationalists did not resign their seats there was no by-elections for these seats. Nationalists did stand in the marginal constituencies held by unionists, hence the 18.6% of the vote. There is also a drop in the unionist vote in the 1977 local government election and a less pronounced drop in the nationalist vote. These are offset by an equal but opposite increase in the 'other' vote so it is safe to assume that the other candidate took votes from unionists and to a lesser extent nationalists. Other than those two elections the unionist and nationalist lines are fairly smooth considering it will never be entirely smooth due to variances in turnout.
Im sure unionists will argue that the trend has leveled off at the turn of the century. However when one considers that nationalist turnout has decreased in every election since 2001, and by 2010 it had decreased 15.6% since the 2001 westminster election, yet the nationalist vote has held firm (abeit the unionist turnout also declined by 8.7%) it is obvious that the surge in nationalist numbers continues and will do until it overtakes unionism in the not too distant future.
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Rabu, 07 Juli 2010
Electoral turnout
One of the main arguments unionists make for the narrow difference between the number of votes for unionism and the number of votes for nationalism (57,102 in 2010 westminster election and 42,272 in 2007 assembly election) in elections is that there is a greater level of unionist apathy among the electorate than nationalists.
In order to test this theory it is necessary to get a breakdown of both nationalist turnout and unionist turnout in recent elections.
For want of a better system, I have used the 18 constituencies as the basis for my analysis. If we take the eight constituencies held by nationalists and get the average turnout for each of these constituencies, we can assume that subject to an inevitable margin of error, that this average represents nationalist turnout. Similarly the same methodology can be used to calculate the unionist turnout. I have excluded european elections from our analysis due to the low turnout compared to assembly and westminster elections
The results are clear. In the early part of this decade nationalists were more likely to vote than unionists and the argument of greater unionist apathy was valid. However, In more recent elections the turnout of the two blocks seems to have leveled off. What is worrying for unionists is that as the nationalist turnout has declined one might expect the gap in the difference in votes between the two blocks to increase. However it has in fact fallen from approximately 70,000 to approximately 40,000! Unionism has reason to worry.
Selasa, 06 Juli 2010
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Senin, 05 Juli 2010
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Hasil Pemilihan Ketua PP Muhammadiyah Periode 2005-2010 | Tetapkan 13 Pimpinan Pusa
Hasil Pemilihan Ketua PP Muhammadiyah Periode 2005-2010 | Tetapkan 13 Pimpinan Pusat - Kursi Ketua Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah periode 2005-2010, akhirnya jatuh ke Din Syamsuddin. Itu setelah dalam muktamar di Jogjakarta meraih suara terbanyak yakni 1.915 suara. Menyusul di belakangnya, Muqoddas dengan suara 1.960, dan mantan Menteri Pendidikan A Malik Fajar dengan perolehan suara 1.562
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Prediksi Belanda vs Uruguay | Preview Hasil Skor Pertandingan
Prediksi Belanda vs Uruguay | Preview Hasil Skor Pertandingan - Piala Dunia 2010 menjadi kesempatan terbaik bagi Belanda untuk merengkuh trofi tunamen sepakbola paling akbar sejagat itu. Di World Cup Afrika Selatan, langkah Tim Oranye sudah sampai di semifinal.
Di empat besar, Belanda akan menghadapi Uruguay. Bursa-bursa taruhan menjagokan Belanda bisa mengalahkan Uruguay dan menembus final.
Di empat besar, Belanda akan menghadapi Uruguay. Bursa-bursa taruhan menjagokan Belanda bisa mengalahkan Uruguay dan menembus final.
Minggu, 04 Juli 2010
Prediksi Jerman vs Spanyol | Berapa Hasil Skor Pertandingan Nanti?
Prediksi Jerman vs Spanyol | Berapa Hasil Skor Pertandingan Nanti? - Sejauh ini Jerman merupakan kontestan yang penampilannya paling impresif di ajang Piala Dunia 2010. Terakhir, Tim Panser membantai Argentina 4-0.
Lawan yang akan dihadapi Jerman di semi final Rabu dinihari nanti adalah Spanyol. Akankah Spanyol bernasih seperti Australia, Inggris dan Argentina? Atau sebaliknya, keperkasaan
Lawan yang akan dihadapi Jerman di semi final Rabu dinihari nanti adalah Spanyol. Akankah Spanyol bernasih seperti Australia, Inggris dan Argentina? Atau sebaliknya, keperkasaan
Hasil MotoGP Catalunya 2010 Lorenzo Juara
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Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010
Hasil Skor Pertandingan Spanyol vs Paraguay dan Jerman vs Argentina
Hasil Skor Pertandingan Spanyol vs Paraguay dan Jerman vs Argentina | Spanyol secara dramatis melaju ke semifinal. Itu setelah pada pertandingan dinihari tadi mengalahkan Paraguay dengan skor tipis 1-0.
Di semifinal, Tim Matador akan menghadapi Jerman yang pada Sabtu (3/7) malam WIB membantai Argentina 4-0.
Gol tunggal Spanyol dicetak David Villa pada menit 82. Gol ini sekaligus membuat
Di semifinal, Tim Matador akan menghadapi Jerman yang pada Sabtu (3/7) malam WIB membantai Argentina 4-0.
Gol tunggal Spanyol dicetak David Villa pada menit 82. Gol ini sekaligus membuat
Jumat, 02 Juli 2010
Hasil Skor Pertandingan Uruguay vs Ghana 3 Juli 2010
Hasil Skor Pertandingan Uruguay vs Ghana 3 Juli 2010 - Uruguay lolos ke semifinal Piala Dunia 2010. Itu setelah di pertandingan 8 besar dinihari tadi mengalahkan Ghana lewat adu penalti. Kiper Uruguay Fernando Muslera menjadi pahlawan dengan menggagalkan dua tendangan penalti lawan. Di semifinal, La Celeste akan menghadapi Belanda yang tadi malam mengandaskan juara dunia lima kali Brasil.
Hasil Skor Pertandingan Brasil vs Belanda | Brazil Kalah
Hasil Skor Pertandingan Brasil vs Belanda | Brazil Kalah - Brasil gagal lolos ke semi final Piala Dunia 2010. Itu setelah di laga 8 besar yang berakhir beberapa saat lalu dikalahkan tim kuat Belanda dengan skor 2-1.
Laga di Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium itu berlangsung keras dan menarik. Kedua tim sama-sama memperagakan sepakbola menyerang. Menit 7, Brasil sebenarnya mencetak gol melalui Robinho
Laga di Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium itu berlangsung keras dan menarik. Kedua tim sama-sama memperagakan sepakbola menyerang. Menit 7, Brasil sebenarnya mencetak gol melalui Robinho
Kamis, 01 Juli 2010
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Preview Uruguay vs Ghana | Prediksi Hasil Skor Pertandingan
Preview Uruguay vs Ghana | Prediksi Hasil Skor Pertandingan - Ghana menjadi satu-satunya wakil Afrika yang tersisa di Piala Dunia 2010. Sabtu dinihari besok, mereka akan bentrok melawan Uruguay di Soccer City Stadium.
Di ajang Piala Dunia, Uruguay jauh lebih berpengalaman. Negara Amerika Latin ini sudah sepuluh kali turun di putaran final Piala Dunia. Bahkan, dua di antaranya menjadi juara.
Di ajang Piala Dunia, Uruguay jauh lebih berpengalaman. Negara Amerika Latin ini sudah sepuluh kali turun di putaran final Piala Dunia. Bahkan, dua di antaranya menjadi juara.
The 2009 balance sheet
As written by Horseman (RIP) in prior years, this blog (using a previous ulstersdoomed blog as a template) will examine the changes in the sizes of the two main religious blocks (Protestant and Catholic) during 2009 in order to get some idea of the changes in the relative sizes of the two main political blocks (unionist and nationalist).
Since we do not have any reliable statistics on migration, we are left with only the other components of the 'natural' evolution of the population to look at: births and deaths. In the context of politics, of course, a voter is 'born' at chronological age 18!
NISRA published their Press Notice on Deaths in Northern Ireland in 2009 in March, which provides the actual number of deaths for each age band (in Table 3). Combining this with the results of the 2001 Census (Table S306 : Age By Sex And Community Background (Religion Or Religion Brought Up In)), and moving the 2001 cohorts forward to more closely match their actual ages in 2009, it is possible to estimate the religious (and thus political) affiliations of the deceased people, and thereby to estimate the relative losses for each of the main political blocks.
The result is as follows. Of the 14,413 deaths in 2009, around 5,060 are likely to have been Catholic, 9,175 Protestant, and 178 'other' or no religion. From a political perspective, of course, only voters matter, so if we take only those of voting age, around 4,946 were Catholic, 9,074 Protestant, and 161 'other' or no religion. So, in the course of the single year 2009 unionism lost 4,128 more potential votes than nationalism through death.
In the 2007 Assembly elections unionism won 335,888 votes (48.7% of the total), to nationalism's 293,767 (42.6% of the total). The gap between the two main blocks was therefore 42,121 votes. In the 2007 Assembly election the turn-out was only 61.9%, so the 4,128 potential votes would normally represent only 2,556 actual votes (61.9% x 4,128). However, older people have a higher than average turnout rate, and thus the real losses to the two blocks through death is actually higher. There are a number of studies that show that older people are very likely to vote (in the order of 85%), while younger people have turnout rates of barely over 50% . So, out of the loss of 4,128 potential voters due to deaths the actual net loss to unionism may have been 3,303 actual votes, or 7.8% of its 2007 advantage. If the evolution of the electorate was dependent on deaths alone, unionism's lead would be cut to zero within 13 years!
But there is another factor - the new voters that the two main political blocks can expect to gain as voters reach their 18th birthdays.
New voters
This is a fairly easy calculation, as the people who turned 18 in 2009 will largely be those who were 10 in 2001, when the Census recorded their religions (in Table S306 : Age By Sex And Community Background (Religion Or Religion Brought Up In)). Migration may also play a small part, but since 18 year-olds who move (to university, for instance) tend to remain registered at their home address, if they vote at all, it is likely to be in the same place that they lived as children. The religious break-down of 10 year-olds in 2001 was as follows: Catholic – 13,124 (50.1%), Protestant – 11,803 (45.1%), other religion or none – 1,262 (4.8%).
So around 26,189 new voters came of age in 2009. For 1,262 of them no real conclusions can be drawn, but for the vast majority this blog's working hypothesis (reminder: that (constitutional) political preferences in the north of Ireland are very closely related to religious affiliation) tends to indicate a net gain for nationalism of 1,321 potential voters (though remember their low turn-out rate). If we combine these figures with those for deaths, we can calculate a rough balance sheet for 2009, taking the votes in the 2007 Assembly election, adding the new voters and subtracting the deaths. Allowance is made for the different turnout rates of younger and older people. While no data on this has been published specifically for Northern Ireland - a very politicised society - evidence from Britain shows that youthful disaffection is massive. This analysis will take this into account by estimating a conservative turnout rate of 80% for the older voters, and 50% for new voters.
The calculations below include the balance sheets for 2007 and 2008 as calculated in previous years:
(1) Nationalism
2007 Assembly election: 293,767 (42.6% of the total)
2007 gains - New voters: 13,352 x 50% = 6,676
2007 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 4,874 x 80% = 3,899
2008 gains - New voters: 12,902 x 50% = 6,451
2008 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 5,321 x 80% = 4,257
2009 gains – New voters: 13,124 x 50% = 6,562
2009 losses – Deaths (voting age only): 4,946 x 80% = 3,957
New total: 301,343
(2) Unionism
2007 Assembly election: 335,888 votes (48.7% of the total)
2007 gains - New voters: 11,941 x 50% = 5,970
2007 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 9,517 x 80% = 7,614
2008 gains - New voters: 11,904 x 50% = 5,952
2008 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 9,388 x 80% = 7,510
2009 gains – New voters: 11,803 x 50% = 5,902
2009 losses – Deaths (voting age only): 9,074 x 80% = 7,259
New total: 331,329
(3) Others or no religion
2007 Assembly election: 60,658 votes (8.8% of the total)
2007 gains - New voters: 1,110 x 50% = 555
2007 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 145 x 80% = 116
2008 gains - New voters: 1,157 x 50% = 579
2008 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 176 x 80% = 141
2009 gains – New voters: 1,262 x 50% = 631
2009 losses – Deaths (voting age only): 161 x 80% = 129
New total: 62,037
At the end of 2009, therefore, we might have expected a voting electorate of 694,709, of whom: 301,343 will vote nationalist (43.4%), 331,329 will vote unionist (47.7%), and 62,037 will vote for other candidates (8.9%).
The gap between nationalism and unionism, 42,121 votes in the 2007 Assembly election, would be reduced to 29,986, representing a reduction in this gap of 12,135. In only three years, therefore, unionism would have lost over 28% of its numerical superiority over nationalism.
2010, of course, allowed us an opportunity to test these assumptions against the results of the Westminster election. Although somewhat distorted by a low turnout (57.6%) which was significantly lower than the 2007 Assembly election (63.5%), it was intrusive to know that the percentages that voted for the three blocks were similar to those calculated above (unionist 50.5%, nationalist 42.0% and others 7.5%) and the gap between the unionist and nationalist totals was 57,102. Although the gap is higher than calculated above this may be attributed to a decrease in nationalist turnout (the average turnout in constituencies won by nationalists) of 9.9% compared to a 3.7% decrease in unionist turnout.
Last year we estimated that unionism had less than 9 years of numerical superiority left. The updating of the statistics to include 2009 shows that this estimate still stands, but since one of those years has now passed, unionism probably only has eight years left before it is equalled or overtaken by nationalism. This is a purely statistical calculation and turn-out rates or 'novelties' (like Alliance winning a seat in East Belfast) may influence the actual outcomes at each election – but in the long run the trend will probably continue, unless one or other block succeeds in attracting votes from its rival politico-ethno-religious group.
Since we do not have any reliable statistics on migration, we are left with only the other components of the 'natural' evolution of the population to look at: births and deaths. In the context of politics, of course, a voter is 'born' at chronological age 18!
NISRA published their Press Notice on Deaths in Northern Ireland in 2009 in March, which provides the actual number of deaths for each age band (in Table 3). Combining this with the results of the 2001 Census (Table S306 : Age By Sex And Community Background (Religion Or Religion Brought Up In)), and moving the 2001 cohorts forward to more closely match their actual ages in 2009, it is possible to estimate the religious (and thus political) affiliations of the deceased people, and thereby to estimate the relative losses for each of the main political blocks.
The result is as follows. Of the 14,413 deaths in 2009, around 5,060 are likely to have been Catholic, 9,175 Protestant, and 178 'other' or no religion. From a political perspective, of course, only voters matter, so if we take only those of voting age, around 4,946 were Catholic, 9,074 Protestant, and 161 'other' or no religion. So, in the course of the single year 2009 unionism lost 4,128 more potential votes than nationalism through death.
In the 2007 Assembly elections unionism won 335,888 votes (48.7% of the total), to nationalism's 293,767 (42.6% of the total). The gap between the two main blocks was therefore 42,121 votes. In the 2007 Assembly election the turn-out was only 61.9%, so the 4,128 potential votes would normally represent only 2,556 actual votes (61.9% x 4,128). However, older people have a higher than average turnout rate, and thus the real losses to the two blocks through death is actually higher. There are a number of studies that show that older people are very likely to vote (in the order of 85%), while younger people have turnout rates of barely over 50% . So, out of the loss of 4,128 potential voters due to deaths the actual net loss to unionism may have been 3,303 actual votes, or 7.8% of its 2007 advantage. If the evolution of the electorate was dependent on deaths alone, unionism's lead would be cut to zero within 13 years!
But there is another factor - the new voters that the two main political blocks can expect to gain as voters reach their 18th birthdays.
New voters
This is a fairly easy calculation, as the people who turned 18 in 2009 will largely be those who were 10 in 2001, when the Census recorded their religions (in Table S306 : Age By Sex And Community Background (Religion Or Religion Brought Up In)). Migration may also play a small part, but since 18 year-olds who move (to university, for instance) tend to remain registered at their home address, if they vote at all, it is likely to be in the same place that they lived as children. The religious break-down of 10 year-olds in 2001 was as follows: Catholic – 13,124 (50.1%), Protestant – 11,803 (45.1%), other religion or none – 1,262 (4.8%).
So around 26,189 new voters came of age in 2009. For 1,262 of them no real conclusions can be drawn, but for the vast majority this blog's working hypothesis (reminder: that (constitutional) political preferences in the north of Ireland are very closely related to religious affiliation) tends to indicate a net gain for nationalism of 1,321 potential voters (though remember their low turn-out rate). If we combine these figures with those for deaths, we can calculate a rough balance sheet for 2009, taking the votes in the 2007 Assembly election, adding the new voters and subtracting the deaths. Allowance is made for the different turnout rates of younger and older people. While no data on this has been published specifically for Northern Ireland - a very politicised society - evidence from Britain shows that youthful disaffection is massive. This analysis will take this into account by estimating a conservative turnout rate of 80% for the older voters, and 50% for new voters.
The calculations below include the balance sheets for 2007 and 2008 as calculated in previous years:
(1) Nationalism
2007 Assembly election: 293,767 (42.6% of the total)
2007 gains - New voters: 13,352 x 50% = 6,676
2007 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 4,874 x 80% = 3,899
2008 gains - New voters: 12,902 x 50% = 6,451
2008 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 5,321 x 80% = 4,257
2009 gains – New voters: 13,124 x 50% = 6,562
2009 losses – Deaths (voting age only): 4,946 x 80% = 3,957
New total: 301,343
(2) Unionism
2007 Assembly election: 335,888 votes (48.7% of the total)
2007 gains - New voters: 11,941 x 50% = 5,970
2007 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 9,517 x 80% = 7,614
2008 gains - New voters: 11,904 x 50% = 5,952
2008 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 9,388 x 80% = 7,510
2009 gains – New voters: 11,803 x 50% = 5,902
2009 losses – Deaths (voting age only): 9,074 x 80% = 7,259
New total: 331,329
(3) Others or no religion
2007 Assembly election: 60,658 votes (8.8% of the total)
2007 gains - New voters: 1,110 x 50% = 555
2007 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 145 x 80% = 116
2008 gains - New voters: 1,157 x 50% = 579
2008 losses - Deaths (voting age only): 176 x 80% = 141
2009 gains – New voters: 1,262 x 50% = 631
2009 losses – Deaths (voting age only): 161 x 80% = 129
New total: 62,037
At the end of 2009, therefore, we might have expected a voting electorate of 694,709, of whom: 301,343 will vote nationalist (43.4%), 331,329 will vote unionist (47.7%), and 62,037 will vote for other candidates (8.9%).
The gap between nationalism and unionism, 42,121 votes in the 2007 Assembly election, would be reduced to 29,986, representing a reduction in this gap of 12,135. In only three years, therefore, unionism would have lost over 28% of its numerical superiority over nationalism.
2010, of course, allowed us an opportunity to test these assumptions against the results of the Westminster election. Although somewhat distorted by a low turnout (57.6%) which was significantly lower than the 2007 Assembly election (63.5%), it was intrusive to know that the percentages that voted for the three blocks were similar to those calculated above (unionist 50.5%, nationalist 42.0% and others 7.5%) and the gap between the unionist and nationalist totals was 57,102. Although the gap is higher than calculated above this may be attributed to a decrease in nationalist turnout (the average turnout in constituencies won by nationalists) of 9.9% compared to a 3.7% decrease in unionist turnout.
Last year we estimated that unionism had less than 9 years of numerical superiority left. The updating of the statistics to include 2009 shows that this estimate still stands, but since one of those years has now passed, unionism probably only has eight years left before it is equalled or overtaken by nationalism. This is a purely statistical calculation and turn-out rates or 'novelties' (like Alliance winning a seat in East Belfast) may influence the actual outcomes at each election – but in the long run the trend will probably continue, unless one or other block succeeds in attracting votes from its rival politico-ethno-religious group.
Beli ‘’Sawah’’ Baru buat Investasi di Internet
Beli ‘’Sawah’’ Baru buat Investasi di Internet - Sekarang sudah memasuki musim kemarau. Tapi bagi saya, inilah saat yang tepat untuk menanam. Tentunya bukan menanam padi, ketela, atau sebangsa polo pendhem lainnya. Melainkan, menanam benih-benih cinta ‘’investasi’’ di internet.
Barusan saya beli ‘’sawah’’. Langsung beli dua (jadi ingat iklan jadul minuman kesehatan: saya minum dua!). Sawah
Barusan saya beli ‘’sawah’’. Langsung beli dua (jadi ingat iklan jadul minuman kesehatan: saya minum dua!). Sawah
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